Book: Language Policy for the Multilingual Classroom: Pedagogy of the Possible

Francis Hult francis.hult at
Mon Jun 13 13:31:53 UTC 2011

New Publication : 


Christine Hélot & Muiris O' LAoire (eds) (2011) Language Policy for the Multilingual Classroom: Pedagogy of the possible, Bristol, Multilingual Matters


Book URL:


With contributions from leading scholars all around the world, this volume underlines the ever-pressing need for new language in education policies to include all learners' voices in the multilingual classroom and to empower teachers to develop responsive and transformative pedagogies. Using testimonies, narratives and examples from different international contexts, this book points clearly to what can be achieved practically in the multilingual classroom so that multilingual learners' voices are legitimated, while also addressing the complex inter-relating sociolinguistic issues around the promotion of bilingualism and multilingualism in education.



In this book, Hélot and O'Laoire fill the gaps that Hélot has so well identified in the past with possibilities - possibilities to educate for social equity and plurilingualism. But instead of arguing for top-down language education policies, Hélot and O'Laoire open possibilities in the ecology of classrooms through the agency of teachers and students. Focusing on pedagogies of the possible, this book is ground-breaking in its ecological approach that will appeal to scholars, policy makers and educators alike. 
Ofelia Garcia

Language Policy for a Multilingual Classroom clearly shows how classroom pedagogies in different parts of the world can build on the resources of multilingual learners. This volume is an excellent contribution to the field of multilingualism in general and to multilingual education in particular. 
Jasone Cenoz, University of the Basque Country

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