CFP: Teaching Intercultural Communication in Finland

Francis Hult francis.hult at
Sun Mar 20 19:46:27 UTC 2011

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Teaching Intercultural Communication in Finland

Date: 11-Nov-2011 - 11-Nov-2011
Location: Turku + online, Finland
Contact Person: Fred Dervin
Meeting Email: < click here to access email >

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics

Call Deadline: 06-May-2011

Meeting Description:

Teaching Intercultural Communication in Finnish Higher Education

One-day conference to be broadcasted live online

Confirmed Speakers:

Michael Byram (University of Durham, UK)
Ruth Illman and Peter Nynäs (Åbo Akademi University)

Organised by the Network for Research on Multiculturalism and Societal
Interaction (MCNET, University of Turku)

Friday 11th November 2011

The teaching of intercultural communication is far from novel in the
Finnish higher education landscape. Often called interchangeably
cross-cultural communication, multicultural communication,
intercultural awareness, intercultural studies... it is now omnipresent
and can be found, amongst others, in language learning and teaching
(language centres, philology/language departments), education,
sociology, religious studies, and various interdisciplinary study
programmes. No doubt the 'booming' of international academic and
student mobility has contributed to the increasing interest in the
topic. As such short courses and entire modules on intercultural
communication are often aimed at both Finnish students and students
from abroad (exchange and international students). Several Master's
degree programmes are also offered under different labels containing
the 'intercultural': Intercultural Encounters (Helsinki),
Intercultural communication (Jyväskylä) and Intercultural Studies
(Vaasa). While many courses and modules have appeared in various
formats (face-to-face and online courses) at different Finnish
institutions in recent years, well-established programmes have been -
or are on the verge of being - terminated or put on hold.

This one-day conference will be the first of its kind in Finland. It
aims at gathering lecturers and teachers but also researchers who are
involved in teaching intercultural communication in Finnish
institutions (universities, universities of applied sciences, business
schools...). This is an opportunity for colleagues to meet, listen to
each other, share and discuss their practices and the problems they
might encounter, in terms of practicalities, theories and methods. The
way intercultural communication is theorized, approached and taught is
many and varied, in Finland and elsewhere, and thus needs to be
discussed - and debated! Theoretical orientation, teaching methods and
approaches to the 'intercultural' have an impact on what is taught,
how it is taught, and learning outcomes.

Call for Papers:

Deadline for abstracts: Friday 6th May 2011

Submitting an Abstract:

Colleagues are invited to submit an abstract of no more than 300 words
by Tuesday, 6th May 2011. Papers can be either research-based or
practical. Abstracts should be sent to

Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following questions:

*Who teaches intercultural communication in Finland? To whom? And where?
*Why is intercultural communication taught? Why do students take
courses on intercultural communication?
*How is intercultural communication taught in Finnish institutions?
(How) is progression addressed and monitored?
*What has changed in the teaching of intercultural communication over
the years/decades?
*What theoretical orientation(s) is the teaching of intercultural
communication based on? Are they satisfactory?
*What is the impact of the courses/modules on students/learners? How
is learning assessed? (or is it assessed?)
*What problems do teachers encounter when teaching intercultural
communication (planning, literature, activities...)?
*What sort of training do those involved in teaching intercultural
communication receive? What about Professional Development?
*What's on hold for the future of the teaching of intercultural
communication in Finland?

The language of the conference is English.

Event coordinator: Fred Dervin (University of Turku)

Scientific Committee:

Auvo Kostiainen (co-chair)(University of Turku, MCnet)
Fred Dervin (co-chair)(University of Turku)

Nancy Aalto, University of Tampere
Marie-José Barbot, University of Lille 3, France
Michael Berry, Turku School of Economics
David Hoffman, University of Jyväskylä
Christoph Parry, University of Vaasa
Riitta Pyykkö, University of Turku
Karen Risager, University of Roskilde, Denmark
Arja Virta, University of Turku


The one-day conference is free and will take place at the University of Turku.

It will also be broadcasted live online and be made available on the
Network website after the event for free viewing. Participants will be
able to follow and take part in the conference from their own
computers (required equipment includes: an Internet access, headphones
and a microphone). Presenters will also be able to deliver their
papers online should they wish to do so (the software used allows
uploading PPT presentations).

Information about MCnet:
Contact: Marjut Anttonen (

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