Call: American Co-Editorship of Applied Linguistics

Francis Hult francis.hult at
Thu Oct 6 20:12:53 UTC 2011

Call for Nominations/Applications for the American Co-Editorship of Applied Linguistics	

Professor Jane Zuengler will be stepping down as American co-editor of Applied Linguistics effective May 2013. The Executive Committee of AAAL seeks nominations for a new co-editor, effective June 1st 2013. The editor will serve a 5-year, non-renewable term. 

Qualifications: The ideal candidate will have a background in Applied Linguistics; a strong scholarly record; familiarity with quantitative and qualitative research paradigms; and be open to an array of theoretical perspectives. Prior editorial experience, while not required, is preferred. It is understood that the nominee will obtain necessary support (e.g., release time, a part time secretary or research assistant) from one's institution before the appointment. 

Nominations will be accepted electronically and should include 1) a letter indicating the nominee's willingness to serve; and  2) an up to date curriculum vitae. Self-nominations are acceptable.

The deadline for applications and nominations is October 21. Please send all nominations to Sarah Jackson at the American Association for Applied Linguistics' Business Office; sarah at
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