Sharing a World of Difference: The Earth's linguistic, cultural and biological diversity

Francis Hult francis.hult at
Mon Oct 24 16:53:22 UTC 2011

Sharing a World of Difference

The Earth's linguistic, cultural and biological diversity


We live in a world threatened by the loss of one of humanity's greatest treasures - its linguistic heritage. But few realize that bound up with the loss of language is loss of knowledge about our environment. This book documents the complex interrelationships between the Earth's linguistic, cultural and biological diversity - what is known as its biocultural diversity. It offers a general introduction to a complex field and outlines some of the key challenges facing sustainable development from cultural and educational perspectives. 


Author(s): Tove Skutnabb-kangas, Luisa Maffi, David Harmon       

Publication Date: 01 Jan 2003

Publisher: UNESCO Publishing


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