Film Suggestions

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at
Tue Jan 10 18:27:25 UTC 2012

I have a number of suggestions to make, depending on what your focus
is.  When I was teaching my "Language and Popular Culture" course I used
science fiction (e.g. Star Wars) films a lot because they illustrate various
phenomena of interest to linguists.

Here are some more films with examples of various phenomena:

Space Cat; The Explorers; Flight of the Navigator

Independence Day; ET;

Space Cat; The Explorers; Flight of the Navigator

Independence Day; ET;

Men in Black (lots of extraterrestrials who have funny kinds of language.)

G. B. Shaw's Pygmalion (1938); My Fair Lady;

Dances with Wolves (Kevin Costner learns the native American lg. in about
3 weeks and "goes native."

Amistad  (the African captives on the ship don't speak any western lgs.
so have to depend on somone to do 'field work' with their language
to find someone who does, after which their "story can be told" and they
get liberated.

Helen Keller: The Miracle Worker (deals w. deafness and blindness)

Children of a Lesser God (deals with deaf issues)

Wild Child of Aveyron by François Truffaut

Mystery of Kaspar Hauser by Werner Herzog

Nell (deals with a "wild child" who has an exceptional form of language.

hope this helps,

Hal Schiffman

2012/1/9 Francis Hult <francis.hult at>:
> Does anyone have suggestions for films with a language-related theme?  We
> are looking for a film to show on campus as part of our 2012 celebration of
> International Mother Language Day
> (
> Suggestions for both documentary and non-documentary films that feature
> language in some way are welcome.
> Francis
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