SAVE THE DATE!! Friday, May 18th 9-12 Teacher Educator Symposium on English Language Learners at Hunter College
Fagan, Drew
dsf2114 at
Mon Mar 5 14:10:09 UTC 2012
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Greetings Colleagues!
We would like to invite you to attend the first annual Teacher Education
Spring Symposium on English Language Learners! A joint initiative between
Hunter College, CUNY and New York State TESOL, it will be held at Hunter
College on:
*Friday, May 18, 2012*
*9:00 AM - 12:00 PM*
Angelica Infante, Executive Director of the New York City Department of
Education Office of English Language Learners will be our opening speaker,
and we will have a chance to choose break-out sessions for collegial
dialogue on topics relevant to us across our institutions, such as:
- Clinical Experiences and Supervision for Teaching English Language
- Collaboration and Co-Teaching for English Language Learners
- Special Education English Language Learners
- Preparing Teachers of Adult English Language Learners
- Bilingual Education and English as a Second Language
This is an event not to be missed if you are involved in teacher or
administrator preparation in the New York metro area!
Register online in April to join us to share concerns, resources, ideas,
and come together as a community so that we can better support English
language learner education from P-adult. For more information, please see
the flyer at:,
go to the NYS TESOL website, to read more:, or feel
free to contact Dr. Laura Baecher at lbaecher at
We hope to see you there!
Laura Baecher & Drew Fagan
Conference Chairs, TESS (Teacher Education Spring Symposium)
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