Survey on Language Use--Respondents Needed

Bridget Goodman reisefrau at
Wed Apr 24 19:55:48 UTC 2013

>From a friend at Rijeka University, Croatia. Note that the survey closes at the end of April.

As I mentioned, my colleague and I are conducting a study into attitudes and behaviour of native English speakers in communication with non-native ones and would be immensely grateful if you could fill it in and send the link to our questionnaire: to as many native speakers of your acquaintance as you can.

As it is very important to get a large sample, it would be great if respondents could then share the link further. Please feel free to share
the link via Facebook, Twitter, other social media, e-mail, and anything else that works for you. Many thanks! 

Bridget Goodman, Ph.D.
Educational Linguistics Division
Graduate School of Education
University of Pennsylvania
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