The $4 Million Teacher

Tommy McDonell tbmcdonell at
Sun Aug 4 13:06:19 UTC 2013

Someone could do this here quite easily and we already have a system where those with money get a better education. Compare if you will the property tax you pay in Chappaqua to what you pay elsewhere. 

This teacher also makes textbooks and lessons so the issue is drawn into publishing and communications. No one here gets paid that much for textbooks or some of NYU's TESOL adjuncts (and yours, too,wherever you may teach), would not be adjuncts. 

Many teachers could market themselves, and I have often pointed this out, but they don't? 

Why? You need only need to consider that many schools do not consider teaching online or educational DVDs as something to be added to your teaching portfolio for tenure! 

I dare say that even at city colleges a rock star professor would get fired. 

Baseball salaries and/or education. It isn't just what our society values but how education values itself and how the politics of a school values itself. 

When the adjuncts went on strike at NYU, I learned how much more I could get paid for a writing class (the same class minus teaching how to teach it), at Stern our business school.

I teach online now privately and business students don't really have any more money than education students, they just value education as a product more than do our education students. 



PS Bad writing today can be blamed on Augmentin and codeine cough meds. Bad thinking has only me to blame. 

Tommy B. McDonell, Ph.D.
Pinehurst, NC 28374
Remember to have your colonoscopy. 

Some typos are courtesy of my iPhone 5. Other mistakes are due to being tired. 

On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:02 AM, Francis Hult <francis.hult at> wrote:

> The Wall Street Journal
> The $4 Million Teacher
> Kim Ki-hoon earns $4 million a year in South Korea, where he is known as a rock-star teacher—a combination of words not typically heard in the rest of the world. Mr. Kim has been teaching for over 20 years, all of them in the country's private, after-school tutoring academies, known as hagwons. Unlike most teachers across the globe, he is paid according to the demand for his skills—and he is in high demand.
> Full story:
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