Call for papers - Journal of NELTA - Open Access Journal

Prithvi Shrestha pnshrestha at
Sun Aug 11 20:01:51 UTC 2013

Dear Colleagues,

Apologies for any cross-posting. The following call for papers may be of
interest to some Ed-Ling members.

Thank you.

Kind regards,


*Call for Papers, Journal of NELTA 2013*



Dear All

First published in 1996, the Journal of NELTA is a premiere publication of
Nepal English Language Teachers’ Association (NELTA). This journal has been
an integral part of NELTA’s mission for ‘enhancing the quality of English
language teaching and learning through professional networking, supporting
and collaboration’. It is also a means towards achieving NELTA’s goal of
providing a ‘forum for exchanges of ideas and experiences at national,
regional and international levels’.

The editorial board would like to invite contributions for the 2013 issue
of the journal. We encourage contributors to make their work relevant to
classroom teaching as well as to serve the larger purpose of creating or
promoting ELT discourses at local, national, and regional contexts.
Contributions that deal with ELT theories and methods will serve the
professional community only to the extent that they are situated in the
authors' own practices and/or in the contemporary educational and social
contexts. The objective of this volume is to gather the voices of teachers,
scholars, and educationists who are best able to define and advance the
conversation and practice of ELT.

Here are some broad areas that contributors can consider for situating or
relating their article:

   - *Innovative practice*: works that describe and explore how authors
   have developed or adapted any innovative methods or practices in ELT
   - *Innovative theory*: works that discuss or interpret ELT theory
   critically from local/regional perspectives,
   - *Establishing a context*: works that raise new issues of ELT that
   deserve the attention of the professional community, government, or
   society, (e.g. : 'Reconceptualizing Teacher Education in Nepal')
   - *Success story*: scholarly articles that narrate and reflect on
   successful implementation of ELT theory, method, or practice,
   - *Any other ELT subjects* that you deem relevant to ELT professional

*Articles might fall under following genres or types:*

   - *Data-based empirical studies*: articles based on the field work on
   issues of ELT, language education, teacher development or training,
   language testing and other relevant issues of language teaching. Because
   local practices have been relatively little researched outside the
   university context, scholarship that represents this area will get high
   priority for the publication.
   - *Knowledge-based perspectives*: articles that articulate a
   comprehensive and critical discussion of innovative ELT concepts.  Such
   articles must present the author's clear voice on the perspective that is
   of interest to the readers in Nepal.
   - *Action research and teacher reflections*: articles coming directly
   out of the classroom teaching or teacher's own reflection of his/her
   teaching. These can be stories in the form of narrative descriptions or
   they can follow the typical format of cyclical action research reports.
   - *Articles on classroom practice*: articles that are directly useful
   for teachers in the classroom e.g., tips for teaching particular
   skills/aspects of language, lesson plans, tasks for teaching poetry.
   - *Book reviews*: review of recently published ELT books that are of
   professional significance to the readers. Reviews should generally provide
   a short introduction of the author and the purpose of the book, its
   descriptive summary, followed by its evaluative comments and its
   significance to the researchers and practitioners in Nepal. Reviews should
   not exceed 1,500 words including references.

Submissions must strictly follow the guidelines provided herewith. Please
take full advantage of the guidelines which also include details of the
publication process. Manuscript must be submitted as an email attachment
accompanied by a well-written cover letter to the editorial address:
neltajournal at or  neltaeditorialboard at Cover letter
email will include author's full name, institutional affiliation, title of
the paper, and any other pertinent information you might want to include.* *

Please feel free to forward this email to colleagues or to share it on
appropriate mailing lists.


Detailed submission guidelines can be found online here:

All enquiries and communication related to the articles for the Journal of
NELTA should be made to:neltajournal at or
neltaeditorialboard at

All the best,

Dr Prithvi Shrestha, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of NELTA

Dr Prithvi Shrestha
Lecturer in ELT | Department of Languages
Faculty of Education and Language Studies | The Open University | Milton
Keynes MK7 6AA
United Kingdom
Direct line: +44(0) 1908 654265
Work details:
Projects: English in Action (Bangladesh), TESS-India (India), Formative
Assessment (UK)
Joint Coordinator, IATEFL ESP SIG:
Editor-in-Chief: Journal of NELTA
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