Talk on "Glocalized English Language Teaching in a Globalized World" (DC area, Thurs 3/6 at 2pm)

Rebecca Sachs rsachs at
Thu Feb 27 18:52:49 UTC 2014

Dear Educational Linguists,

We welcome you to join us at Virginia International University for the next event in our Voices from the Field Speaker Series, a presentation on empowering non-native speakers to teach English as an international language!

Our honored guest speaker, Bedrettin Yazan, will be giving a talk entitled "Glocalized English Language Teaching in a Globalized World."

*         Date: Thursday, March 6, 2014

*         Time: 2:00-3:00pm

*         Location: Waples Mill Conference Room, 11200 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030

The presentation will focus on:

*         English as a global and international phenomenon with local impacts

*         New pedagogical approaches to educate culturally and linguistically competent English users

*         The reconceptualization of English language teacher education practices

*         The contribution of non-native English-speaking teachers (NNESTs) to glocalized English teaching

*         Shifts toward a professional milieu embracing cultural and linguistic diversity

Mr. Yazan is currently serving as President of the Non-Native English-Speaking Teachers (NNEST) Caucus for WATESOL, the Washington DC Area TESOL organization. As a doctoral candidate in the Second Language Education and Culture Program at the University of Maryland, College Park, he is conducting his dissertation research on pre-service ESL teachers' construction of their professional identities.

He has recently co-authored a book entitled Teaching English as an International Language (with Dr. Ali Fuad Selvi, published in 2013 by TESOL Press) and has published research on a variety of themes, including worldviews surrounding 'native-speakerism' and English as a lingua franca, accentedness and intelligibility in language learning, philosophical orientations of language acquisition research, learners' motivations, language teachers' identities, educational equity, and curriculum reform.

To learn more about participating in Voices from the Field, please contact Kevin Martin (Director of the School of Education) at kevin at<mailto:kevin at>, follow us on social media @SEDatVIU and @TESOLVIU, and visit the School of Education's website at<>!

And don't forget about our Conference on Language, Learning, and Culture, coming up on April 11! You can read abstracts of the presentations and workshops here:!

We hope to see you at VIU!

Rebecca Sachs, Ph.D.
Professor, TESOL
School of Education

Virginia International University<>
3957 Pender Drive
Fairfax, VA  22030
Tel:  (703) 591-1844, ext. 364
Fax:  (703) 591-7046
rsachs at<mailto:rsachs at>
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