[Edling] Call for articles and peer reviewers -- Reconsidering Development

Anna Farrell farre223 at umn.edu
Fri Mar 20 19:56:34 UTC 2015

[image: Inline image 1]

*Call for Submissions and Reviewers (Volume IV, Special Summer 2015 Issue)*

The editorial board of *Reconsidering Development*
<http://reconsideringdevelopment.org/>—an interdisciplinary e-journal based
at the University of Minnesota—invites you to submit your work for a
special guest-edited issued on the role of language in international
development. This special issue is guest edited by Anna Farrell, Co-Chair
of the Languages Issues Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Comparative
International Education Society (CIES). *Reconsidering Development* is also
recruiting for peer reviewers and copy editors. Email editor at umn.edu or
apply online at http://goo.gl/zsv1Ag if you would like to be a peer
reviewer or copy editor for this or future issues. <http://goo.gl/zsv1Ag>


*Special Issue: The Role of Language in International Development*

We seek submissions that explore the ways in which language interacts with
international development theory and practice. The role of language is
often overlooked in development discourse and practice, and yet, in the
words of Stuart Hall (1997), “Language externalizes – it makes available
and accessible as a social fact, a social process – the meanings that we
are making of the world and of events.”[1]
<https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&view=btop&ver=16ayfcetpbduw#_ftn1> Put
another way, international development exists inside language; we do not
have international development without language.

This brings forth many issues -- how does language shape development
practice and theory? What is the role of colonial languages in
international development? How is global English hegemony affecting
international development? What are the implications of conducting research
in local languages? What are the ethics of various language choices in
development practice and research?

Sample topic areas for this issue include language policy in international
development practice; mother tongue based, multilingual education
(MTB-MLE); conducting research in multilingual settings/in local
languages/in (post)colonial settings. We especially encourage submissions
that critically interrogate the often overlooked role that language plays
in development discourse, practice, and ethics.

We offer the following questions as possible avenues to explore the theme
of this issue:

1.    How are language policies and concepts defined and used in
international development settings?

2.   In what ways are language policies and practices influencing
international development discourse, practice, and ethics?

3.   In what ways are local/colonial/global languages being utilized in
development practice? What are the cultural and political justifications?

4.   What informs language choices in international development? What are
the implications of these choices?

5.   What challenges and costs are associated with various language
policies and practices in development projects?

*The deadline for submissions is April 15, 2015.*

Accepted submissions will be published in our Summer 2015 issue. Please
direct questions and your intent to submit to this issue to Anna Farrell at
farre223 at umn.edu. Submissions should be e-mailed to editor at umn.edu. Visit
http://reconsideringdevelopment.org for more information and guidelines.


S. (1997). *Representation & the Media.* Northampton, MA: Media Education

Anna M. Farrell
Institute of Linguistics

PhD Student
Comparative and International Development Education
330 Wulling Hall
86 Pleasant St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Cell: 612-599-4712
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