[Edling] Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal Vol17 No1

Kemal Sinan Özmen sinanozmen at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 4 10:11:24 UTC 2015

Dear Colleagues,
We are quite excited to let you know that the Journal of Language Teaching and Learning has moved to a new internet site, developed and designed by a professional team of web-designers.
Please do visit the site, available at www.jltl.org and share your suggestions with me, if any. You are always welcome to submit your work to the JLTL.
Kind regards,
Kemal Sinan Özmen, PhDAssociate Professor of English Language Teaching
Editor-in-chief, The Journal of Language Teaching and Learning (www.jltl.org)Gazi University, Gazi Faculty of Education
English Language Teaching Program,
C-122  Ankara, Turkey 06500
Phone: + 0 312 202 8455

What makes someone a good teacher is not methodology, or even ideology. It requires an engagement with identity, the way individuals conceive of themselves so that teaching is a state of being (Danielewicz, 2001).
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