[Edling] Language Teacher Agency Book Proposal

Manka Varghese mankav at u.washington.edu
Wed Sep 21 15:01:35 UTC 2016

Theorizing and Analyzing Language Teacher Agency (Tentative Title)
Submission Deadline: September 30, 2016
Dr. Hayriye Kayi-Aydar (University of Arizona)
Dr. Xuesong (Andy) Gao (University of Hong Kong)
Dr. Elizabeth Miller (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
Dr. Manka Varghese (University of Washington)
Dr. Gergana Vitanova (University of Central Florida)
Teachers play a vital role in making decisions about instruction,
curriculum changes, and, in some contexts, educational reforms and
language policies. However, their decision-making does not simply
happen. They draw from a variety of sources to make decisions, and their
agency is socially constructed and shaped. Although the concept of
agency has been theorized extensively in various academic disciplines
(e.g., sociology, philosophy, economics, anthropology, etc.) and from
diverse perspectives, teacher agency, and second/foreign language
teacher agency, in particular, has been neither well theorized nor
conceptualized. Furthermore, in the current literature on second/foreign
language teacher agency, the focus has been limited to the discussions
of professionalism (e.g., Morgan & Saunders, 2014), policy and
implementation (e.g., Hamid & Nguyen, 2016; Van Huy, Hamid, & Renshaw,
2016), or educational change (e.g., Kitade, 2015; Liyanage, Bartlett,
Walker, & Guo, 2015). This volume aims to address this gap by providing
an in-depth conceptualization of “second/foreign language teacher
agency” through theoretical and empirical research.
We are seeking proposals for chapters that address the construct of
language teacher agency through theoretical and/or empirical research in
second language studies. In particular, we are interested in chapters
that draw on a range of theories of or approaches (e.g., activity
theory, positioning theory, feminist theory, etc.) to language teacher
agency that expand our understanding of the concept as well as
manuscripts that present varying analytic approaches adopted in
empirical studies (e.g., discourse studies, narrative inquiry, systemic
functional linguistics, etc.). Chapters can analyze the connection of
agency to other relevant topics, such as teacher identity, emotions,
teacher cognition, positioning, accountability, curriculum change,
language policy, etc.
Guidelines for Chapter Proposal Submission
You are invited to submit a 500-word proposal by September 30, 2016
containing the following information:
Book section to which your chapter is being submitted (theoretical OR
analytical focus)
Proposal chapter title
Author name(s) and Affiliation(s)
Overview of chapter
100-word biography for each author
Authors of accepted proposal will be notified by November 1, 2016.
This volume has been discussed with an internationally reputable
publisher. Once chapter proposals are finalized, a full book proposal
will be sent to the publisher. Upon acceptance by the publisher,
potential chapter authors will be invited to submit full chapters (up to
8,000 words) and will be sent guidelines for preparing chapters along
with submission deadlines (approximately three months from
notification). Chapters should be original work and should not be
submitted for publication elsewhere. All submitted chapters will be
reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be
requested to serve as reviewers for this book project. Inquiries and
chapter proposals can be submitted electronically (Word document) to the
editors:langteacheragency at gmail.com

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