[Edling] Call for papers:
Saltanat Meiramova
saltanat.m at mail.ru
Sat Jan 21 04:36:07 UTC 2017
Dear John,
Thanks a lot for your invitation and information.
I wonder if your journal has any impact factor or indexed in scopus or Thomson?!
Thanks in advance
With kind regards
Saltanat Meiramova
Associate Professor in TEFL
Director of International Cooperation&Multilingual Education Development Centre
S.Seifullin AgroTechnical University
Bolashak-2012 (University of Glasgow, UK)
JFDP-2010 (USA)
CELTA-2016 (State Missouri University, the USA)
tel.: 87172384407
email: meiramovas at gmail.com
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суббота, 21 января 2017 г., 12:21 ДП +0600 от Carpenter, John C < john-c-carpenter at uiowa.edu >:
>I'm following up on the call for papers for Journal of Communication Inquiry I asked you to share last year. The deadline is Feb. 19, which means about a month remains for
people who are interested. I wonder if you would mind sending a reminder to your list serve. People who are interested can contact me with questions about topics and/or deadlines. I'll attach the CFP again
>Thank you,
>John C. Carpenter
>Journal of Communication Inquiry
>University of Iowa School of Journalism and Mass Communication
>E305 Adler Hall
>From: Carpenter, John C
>Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2016 4:34:51 PM
>To: EDLING at bunner.geol.lu.se
>Subject: Call for papers:
>Please share this call for papers via your listserv.
>The Journal of Communication Inquiry invites submissions for the 2017 theme issue, “Articulations of International Media and English.” This issue will be devoted to the connections the global spread
of English makes with media production and consumption in places where English is not the mother tongue. This includes, but is not limited to, countries where English was introduced via colonization or is treated as a foreign language. English and its global
dissemination have been analyzed in terms that range from linguistic imperialism, to neoliberal hegemony, to audience uses of English to create new definitions of the local, national, and global. When approaching the spread of English from a media studies
perspective, popular television shows in English, movies in English, and locally-produced English-language news and entertainment content all become objects of analysis. These contexts can include diasporic and indigenous media.
>Possible topics of inquiry include but are not limited to:
>* How people around the world use English language media to form local, national, and global identities
>* Critical examinations of the ways English media content is informed by and contributes to discourses of neoliberalism and globalization
>* Is media content in English a legitimate object of study for English-speaking scholars who want to explore media environments in places where English is not the main language?
>* Textual analyses that take the discourses surrounding English in both English and non-English media as objects of analysis
>* The ways choosing English as a language of news in countries where English is not the first language affects how journalists conceptualize and practice journalism, including in terms of imagined audience,
public service, content choices, etc.
>* How news organizations respond to linguistic diversity as the movement of people and languages over the world creates mobile, multilingual identities
>* How power informs the relationships between English language media and non-English language media in places around the world
>* How the rising use of English in different parts of the world affects Western-based news outlets that have always published in English
>* How the rising use of English affects the English language press (formerly known as the expatriate press) in countries where English is not a first language
>* Given that English becomes politicized in a country in proportion to the country’s level of global engagement, how a country’s language politics affect English language media production and consumption
>JCI is seeking input from scholars in a variety of disciplines who can find ways to wed theory from the fields of media and linguistics to
examine the intersections of English and media production and consumption. We strongly encourage submissions from international scholars who can provide insiders’ perspectives on the relationships between English language media and indigenous language media
in places around the world. The deadline for submitting manuscripts is 11:59 p.m. CST on February 17, 2017. All submissions will undergo peer review. Please contact JCI Managing Editor John C. Carpenter ( john-c-carpenter at uiowa.edu ) with questions.
>John C. Carpenter
>Journal of Communication Inquiry
>University of Iowa School of Journalism and Mass Communication
>E305 Adler Hall
>Edling mailing list
>Edling at bunner.geol.lu.se
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