[Edling] ORCiD

Curry, MJ mjcurry at Warner.Rochester.edu
Tue May 30 12:57:03 UTC 2017

Dear Helen,

Not only I but all of my colleagues have been inundated with this inane notification. It was a total waste of time to be informed of something that will be happening in the future. Please let me explain my objections and those of many of my colleagues.

We are currently in an era where knowledge production is increasingly commodified, primarily for the benefit of corporations such as yours. Individual researchers have very little monetary reward for our intellectual work, as has been well documented. We do reviews for free (I wish I could say it was on my university’s time, but the reality is otherwise) and we spend weeks if not longer writing papers that are also not compensated.

It makes no sense to track reviewers and many of us are objecting to the increasing ‘audit’ culture in academic knowledge production, where practically every effort we make is quantified and monitored.

I disagree that the email suggests journals are ‘encouraging’ reviewers to use ORDiD. The email clearly states that it will be required. And T&F journal editors don’t seem to have had any say. According to Carol Taylor, editor of Gender and Education:

"As Editors we had very little input into this process, and it was very much a corporate level decision that Taylor & Francis journals are going to be using ORCID. I personally don't have a problem with it and can even see some advantages but I can also see that it further extends the panoptic gaze of neoliberal power over researchers' psyche. I'm sorry to hear you won't be reviewing for us any longer. We value all the work that you've done for us as a reviewer over the years. If at any point you want to reconsider, we'd love to have you back with us."

I hope you will take this feedback and other comments you’ve received and moderate your policy. Otherwise your journals may be likely to suffer an even more severe shortage of reviewers.

All the best,

Mary Jane Curry, PhD
Associate Professor
Warner Graduate School of Education
University of Rochester
474 LeChase Hall, 585.273.5934

Co-chair, UR Faculty Senate, 2016-17, 2017-18
Director, Warner Writing Support Services
Associate Editor, Brief Research Reports, TESOL Quarterly

From: "Wheeler, Helen" <Helen.Wheeler at tandf.co.uk<mailto:Helen.Wheeler at tandf.co.uk>>
Date: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 6:27 AM
To: M J Curry <mjcurry at warner.rochester.edu<mailto:mjcurry at warner.rochester.edu>>
Subject: RE: ORCiD

Dear Mary Jane Curry,

Many thanks for your messages.

First of all, please do accept my sincere apologies that you have been inundated with messages regarding journals that will shortly be looking to encourage those associated with it to make use of ORCiD. Unfortunately as every journal has its own independently managed database of contacts, there was no way to co-ordinate these communications despite all best efforts to do so.

In terms of the journals you regularly work with (Educational Action Research, Language & Education, Teaching Education, Gender and Education and Asia Pacific Journal of Education) none of these titles will be requiring ORCiD IDs from their authors or reviewers, they are simply encouraging their networks to use the system should it be appropriate to do so.

I would certainly be interested to hear why you do not feel ORCiD is a useful service, as many publishers (including us) have invested heavily in the organization.

Again, please do accept my apologies for the inconvenience these mailings have caused you.

With best wishes,

Helen Wheeler – Managing Editor, Education Journals
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN, UK.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7017 6377
Web: www.tandfonline.com<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.tandfonline.com_&d=DwMGaQ&c=kbmfwr1Yojg42sGEpaQh5ofMHBeTl9EI2eaqQZhHbOU&r=_rMj7-Pgoc9IWqUnTVAZ6aLZ1r8V9PaRLjSW-DQVx4E&m=rQ1LHE_vmYVguTojlf1szsHaumZxTvRz_qDGrv8lbaQ&s=BZ-vTfbCFZkK527x58A16wCXgTMC8CsUBWeg7XLMddI&e=>
e-mail: helen.wheeler at tandf.co.uk<mailto:helen.wheeler at tandf.co.uk>

Taylor & Francis is a trading name of Informa UK Limited,
registered in England under no. 1072954

From: Curry, Mary Jane [mailto:mjcurry at Warner.Rochester.edu]
Sent: 26 May 2017 16:45
To: Wheeler, Helen <Helen.Wheeler at tandf.co.uk<mailto:Helen.Wheeler at tandf.co.uk>>
Subject: Re: Educational Action Research and ORCiD

I will no longer be reviewing for journals that require me to use ORCid.
And these absurd emails previewing the request to use ORCiD are a massive
waste of time!

Mary Jane Curry, PhD
Associate Professor
Warner Graduate School of Education
University of Rochester
474 LeChase Hall, 585.273.5934

Co-chair, UR Faculty Senate, 2016-17, 2017-18
Director, Warner Writing Support Services
Associate Editor, Brief Research Reports, TESOL Quarterly

On 5/26/17, 9:35 AM,
"onbehalfof+helen.wheeler+tandf.co.uk at manuscriptcentral.com on behalf of
Educational Action Research<mailto:onbehalfof+helen.wheeler+tandf.co.uk at manuscriptcentral.com%20on%20behalf%20of%0bEducational%20Action%20Research>"
<onbehalfof+helen.wheeler+tandf.co.uk at manuscriptcentral.com<mailto:onbehalfof+helen.wheeler+tandf.co.uk at manuscriptcentral.com>> wrote:

>Dear Professor Mary Jane Curry,
>We are pleased to announce that from Wednesday, 14th June Educational
>Action Research will be participating in an exciting initiative designed
>to increase the use and uptake of ORCiD
>C23QrC6kQdaEb7jNcWO4IfSnAE1SHkwD6Oc&e= ).
>As you may already know, ORCiD is a freely available digital identifier
>service that directly links a researcher to their work, ensuring an
>individual and their publication/research activities can be easily
>distinguished and identified by anyone anywhere in the world.
>To facilitate this initiative, we will be strongly encouraging all users
>of the journal¹s ScholarOne Manuscripts peer-review system to add their
>ORCiD ID to their account information over the next few weeks in
>preparation of the initiative¹s launch in June.
>If you do not already have an ORCiD you can easily and quickly register
>for one here;
>_Pi2YsdixGFYXgJCW-e3iqAc8db9S2oSVmb9ULB3jU&e= .
>When adding your ORCiD ID to your ScholarOne account, it would be useful
>if you could please review all your other registered account details;
>affiliation, preferred contact information, keywords indicating your
>areas of expertise, etc., to ensure we have the most up-to-date and
>accurate information for you on file.
>For more information on the benefits of ORCiD, please see below.
>Educational Action Research and Routledge thank you in advance for your
>assistance in this matter.
>With best wishes
>Educational Action Research Editorial Office
>Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
>What is ORCiD?
>ORCiD is non-profit organisation dedicated to solving the long-standing
>name ambiguity problem in scholarly communication. Once registered with
>ORCiD, an individual has signed up to a freely available digital
>identifier service that directly links a researcher to their work,
>ensuring that individuals and their publication/research activities can
>be easily distinguished and identified by anyone anywhere in the world.
>ORCiD is increasingly being used by those who recognise the fundamental
>need for researchers to be accurately and easily identified and, through
>integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant
>submission, ORCiD is rapidly becoming a required piece of identifying
>information in many familiar situations within the academic environment.
>To view more in depth information on ORCiD, its mission, values, and
>policies, please visit the following URL;
>23QrC6kQdaEb7jNcWO4IfSnAE1SHkwD6Oc&e= .
>To support the ORCiD initiative, and to follow the lead set by The Royal
>Society, IGU, eLife, PLOS, and IEEE titles in 2016, Routledge, Taylor &
>Francis Group is launching an initiative on Wednesday, 14th June in which
>a number of educational research journals will require ORCiD IDs from all
>The benefits of increasing ORCiD uptake include:
>€ Increased transparency for authors; helping authors (and the community)
>identify their published research, grant applications and other
>€ Reflecting regional naming conventions; increasingly important for
>authors from regions such as Asia and Latin America, and responds to the
>needs of the international research community.
>€ Saving time; ORCiD auto-completes an author¹s name, affiliation and
>other routine information in ScholarOne Manuscripts and Editorial Manager
>in a consistent format. This helps prevent errors, subtle variations in
>names (e.g. Oxford University, University of Oxford), and ultimately
>saves time.
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