[Edling] 2018 PhD Scholarships, Sheffield Hallam University (for UK/EU students)

Dave Sayers dave.sayers at cantab.net
Sat Oct 7 07:58:59 UTC 2017

Hi everyone,

Details for our PhD scholarships next year have just been released: 
http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/BEP094/. This scholarship is specific to Sheffield Hallam; 
it's not part of the UK-wide Doctoral Training Partnerships, so applying here 
wouldn't preclude a simultaneous application to a DTP elsewhere.

As usual with PhD applications, the best approach is to identify and approach a 
potential supervisor first, before putting together the application. My linguistics 
colleagues and I are listed in the Department of Humanities website: 
https://goo.gl/CCXTCr. It's a big department with various disciplines; mostly you can 
see our subject area next to our name, except for Alice Bell and David Peplow who 
don't have a subject by their title for some reason, but they are linguists! Just 
click each of our names to see more details about us.

Best of luck to all applicants!


Dr. Dave Sayers, ORCID no. 0000-0003-1124-7132
Senior Lecturer, Dept Humanities, Sheffield Hallam University | www.shu.ac.uk
Honorary Research Fellow, Cardiff University & WISERD | www.wiserd.ac.uk
dave.sayers at cantab.net | http://shu.academia.edu/DaveSayers
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