[Edling] Edling Digest, Vol 11, Issue 73

Curry, MJ mjcurry at Warner.Rochester.edu
Sun Oct 29 20:30:27 UTC 2017

It might, but in the US context that term is still ‘owned’ by English literature folks …

From: Edling <edling-bounces at bunner.geol.lu.se> on behalf of bspolsky <bspolsky at gmail.com>
Reply-To: Educational List <edling at bunner.geol.lu.se>
Date: Sunday, October 29, 2017 at 4:28 PM
To: Educational List <edling at bunner.geol.lu.se>
Subject: Re: [Edling] Edling Digest, Vol 11, Issue 73

Mightn't English teacher be simpler and clearer?

On Sun, Oct 29, 2017 at 9:02 PM, <edling-request at bunner.geol.lu.se<mailto:edling-request at bunner.geol.lu.se>> wrote:
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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: "ESL" Job Title- Please Critique! (Ann S Gavriel Perry)
   2. CFP: International Conference on Literacy, Culture, and
      Language Education (ICLCLE) (Francis Hult)
   3. CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT Early Language Learning: Multiple
      perspectives ? Diverse voices. (Janet Enever)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2017 12:37:52 +0100
From: "Ann S Gavriel Perry" <sense07 at waitrose.com<mailto:sense07 at waitrose.com>>
To: "'The Educational Linguistics List'" <edling at bunner.geol.lu.se<mailto:edling at bunner.geol.lu.se>>
Subject: Re: [Edling] "ESL" Job Title- Please Critique!
Message-ID: <404BA2B0766C4E1D8C7E8E0EA8B424A1 at DELL71F54DA386>
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Pity the poor learner who has to 'take on board' these awful

= EB?  emergent?  bilingual?  What if they are already bilingual (in two
non-English languages)

and wish to 'develop their English' as an additional language... What's
wrong with

EAL (English as an additional language)?  = it's been around a decade or so

no-one has noticed perhaps.


From: Edling [mailto:edling-bounces at bunner.geol.lu.se<mailto:edling-bounces at bunner.geol.lu.se>] On Behalf Of Margaret
van Naerssen
Sent: 28 October 2017 02:22
To: The Educational Linguistics List
Subject: Re: [Edling] "ESL" Job Title- Please Critique!

Looking at second/other language learning,

I've preferred English language development instead of ESL/EFL,

and more generally "language development" though I have never had

to use a professional title for myself.

Margaret van Naerssen

On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 12:41 PM, Raquel Sanchez <raqsan at gmail.com<mailto:raqsan at gmail.com>> wrote:

LAUSD used to use the title Language Development Specialist.

On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 7:21 AM, Deborah Palmer <debpalmer at colorado.edu<mailto:debpalmer at colorado.edu>>

Then in the bilingual education field we are moving toward "emergent
bilingual" (EB) as the term for the learners, and we are hearing more and
more English Language Development (ELD) in place of ESL or ESOL in many
states. It still varies lots though!

Deb Palmer, Ph.D.
Professor, Educational Equity and Cultural Diversity
School of Education | UCB 249 | Room 205
University of Colorado Boulder

(303) 492-7695 <tel:(303)%20492-7695>
debpalmer at colorado.edu<mailto:debpalmer at colorado.edu>

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On Oct 26, 2017, at 5:07 AM, Curry, MJ <mjcurry at Warner.Rochester.edu<mailto:mjcurry at Warner.Rochester.edu>> wrote:

Current terminology has replaced ESL with "ESOL" for teachers of English to
Speakers of Other Languages-and terminology for the learners themselves, at
least in the US, has moved quickly from ESL students to English learners to
English as a new language learners. The term 'English as an additional
language learner' is perhaps the most accurate but a bit clunkier from the
acronym use perspective!

All the best,

MJ Curry

From: Edling <edling-bounces at bunner.geol.lu<mailto:edling-bounces at bunner.geol.lu>
<mailto:edling-bounces at bunner.geol.lu.se<mailto:edling-bounces at bunner.geol.lu.se>> .se> on behalf of Myrna Goldstein
<myrnaenglishfile at gmail.com<mailto:myrnaenglishfile at gmail.com>>
Reply-To: Educational List <edling at bunner.geol.lu.se<mailto:edling at bunner.geol.lu.se>>
Date: Thursday, October 26, 2017 at 4:58 AM
To: Educational List <edling at bunner.geol.lu.se<mailto:edling at bunner.geol.lu.se>>
Subject: Re: [Edling] "ESL" Job Title- Please Critique!

Hi Chelsea,

How about ESL Educator?

After all, education is what we all do and is holistic.

Myrna Goldstein, MATESL

Are You in Your English File?

Eilat, Israel

On Oct 12, 2017 11:00 AM, "Chelsea Walter" <cwalter at coloradocollege.edu<mailto:cwalter at coloradocollege.edu>>


My name is Chelsea Walter and I am the "ESL Specialist" at Colorado College.
I am looking for input regarding my title, as I feel that it may be out of
date with current terminology.

A brief description of my work: I provide academic support to culturally and
linguistically diverse (CLD) students via coursework and individual
consultations, as well as consult with faculty on best practices (those that
are particularly culturally responsive) for working with CLD students.

Might any of you have an idea on a more holistic title? I feel that "ESL
Specialist" conveys a remedial and deficient nature and does not encompass
the CLD student and educational experience itself, but rather focuses on the
"ESL" label.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

ESL Specialist
Colket Center for Academic Excellence
Tutt Library 214
chelsea.walter at coloradocollege <mailto:chelsea.walter at coloradocollege.edu<mailto:chelsea.walter at coloradocollege.edu>>
o (719) 227-8288
14 E. Cache La Poudre St.
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903

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Message: 2
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2017 05:24:04 +0000
From: Francis Hult <francis.hult at englund.lu.se<mailto:francis.hult at englund.lu.se>>
To: Edling Edling <edling at bunner.geol.lu.se<mailto:edling at bunner.geol.lu.se>>
Subject: [Edling] CFP: International Conference on Literacy, Culture,
        and Language Education (ICLCLE)
Message-ID: <79296f120db5497aba7963e858da3c59 at englund.lu.se<mailto:79296f120db5497aba7963e858da3c59 at englund.lu.se>>
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First International Conference on Literacy, Culture, and Language Education (ICLCLE) in October 5-7, 2018 at Indiana University-Bloomington


 The Department of Literacy, Culture, and Language Education (LCLE) in the School of Education at Indiana University Bloomington invites proposals for panels, individual papers, round table discussions, interactive workshops and poster sessions to be presented at the First International Conference on Literacy, Culture, and Language Education (ICLCLE) in October 5-7, 2018 at Indiana University-Bloomington, USA.

The First International Conference in Literacy, Culture, and Language Education (ICLCLE) is a multi-, inter- and trans-disciplinary event that will bring together researchers, educators, scholars, instructors, practitioners, activists and graduate students from around the world. This international conference includes research, pedagogy and practice about diverse issues in language, literacy and culture in education. The participants in this conference will be involved in a local and global dialogue and exchange of ideas, research and experiences on the themes of the event.
Selected articles will be published in a book and also in the new electronic peer-reviewed International Journal of Literacy, Culture, and Language Education (IJLCLE).
The deadline for receipt of proposals is February 28, 2018.

Beth Lewis Samuelson
Associate Professor
Literacy, Culture and Language Education (LCLE)
W.W. Wright School of Education
Educ. Bldg. #3044
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN  47405
Tel. 812-856-8256, Fax 812-856-8287
Skype: beth.lewis.samuelson
Email: blsamuel at indiana.edu<mailto:blsamuel at indiana.edu>
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Message: 3
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2017 18:55:10 +0000
From: Janet Enever <janet.enever at umu.se<mailto:janet.enever at umu.se>>
To: "edling at bunner.geol.lu.se<mailto:edling at bunner.geol.lu.se>" <edling at bunner.geol.lu.se<mailto:edling at bunner.geol.lu.se>>
Subject: [Edling] CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT Early Language Learning:
        Multiple perspectives ? Diverse voices.
Message-ID: <C319EEC6-5627-4816-8DAB-727F7C937028 at umu.se<mailto:C319EEC6-5627-4816-8DAB-727F7C937028 at umu.se>>
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CONFERENCE: Early Language Learning: Multiple perspectives ? Diverse voices.
June 13-15, 2018. Reykjavik, Iceland
The Vigd?s Finnbogad?ttir Institute of Foreign Languages and the School of Education, University of Iceland are pleased to announce the third international conference on Early Language Learning 2018.
In association with the AILA Research Network on Early Language Learning, we would like to invite you to experience the ?bright nights? of Reykjav?k and to explore and discuss issues surrounding multilingualism and young language learners. The conference will focus on early second and foreign language learning in preschool and primary education contexts across the globe. With this conference we hope to provide opportunities for colleagues from a range of professional backgrounds (e.g., researchers, teachers, policy makers) to establish links and expand the work in the fields of multilingualism, linguistic diversity and early language learning.
We invite the submission of abstracts on any research- or practice-oriented topic relating to the learning of foreign, second or additional languages by learners of primary school age or younger (ages 3-12). Topics relating to younger or older learners (up to age 15) will also be considered.
We welcome proposals for individual papers, colloquia and posters.
Plenary speakers
Roma Chumak-Horbatsch, Ryerson University in Toronto (Canada)
Victoria Murphy, University of Oxford (UK)
Francis Hult, Lund University (Sweden)
Abstract submission deadline: December 1, 2017

For further details, please visit:
Janet Enever/ Professor emerita / Umea University / Sweden / Email: janet.enever at umu.se<mailto:janet.enever at umu.se><mailto:janet.enever at umu.se<mailto:janet.enever at umu.se>>
Visiting professor University of Reading /  email: j.h.enever at reading.ac.uk<mailto:j.h.enever at reading.ac.uk><mailto:j.h.enever at reading.ac.uk<mailto:j.h.enever at reading.ac.uk>>/
UK mob. +44 7812 42 82 82<tel:%2B44%207812%2042%2082%2082>

Janet Enever and Eva Lindgren introduce "Early Language Learning? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KidH0NVrtY

AILA Early Language Learning Network Convenor 2015-2017 www.ell-ren.org<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ell-2Dren.org&d=DwMFaQ&c=kbmfwr1Yojg42sGEpaQh5ofMHBeTl9EI2eaqQZhHbOU&r=_rMj7-Pgoc9IWqUnTVAZ6aLZ1r8V9PaRLjSW-DQVx4E&m=NfspkQbVs8E-l67BMU0XKShYkYzjyPYF-dxUevb8xXY&s=25l4jtxQAwsIdDbSyjqV-vbGJqJnlmiBgBv79--5OZM&e=><http://www.ell-ren.org<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ell-2Dren.org&d=DwMFaQ&c=kbmfwr1Yojg42sGEpaQh5ofMHBeTl9EI2eaqQZhHbOU&r=_rMj7-Pgoc9IWqUnTVAZ6aLZ1r8V9PaRLjSW-DQVx4E&m=NfspkQbVs8E-l67BMU0XKShYkYzjyPYF-dxUevb8xXY&s=25l4jtxQAwsIdDbSyjqV-vbGJqJnlmiBgBv79--5OZM&e=>>

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Subject: Digest Footer

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End of Edling Digest, Vol 11, Issue 73

Bernard Spolsky bspolsky at gmail.com<mailto:bspolsky at gmail.com>  Professor emeritus, Bar-Ilan University
URL: http://english.biu.ac.il/faculty/spolsky-bernard<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.biu.ac.il_faculty_spolsb_&d=DwMFaQ&c=kbmfwr1Yojg42sGEpaQh5ofMHBeTl9EI2eaqQZhHbOU&r=_rMj7-Pgoc9IWqUnTVAZ6aLZ1r8V9PaRLjSW-DQVx4E&m=NfspkQbVs8E-l67BMU0XKShYkYzjyPYF-dxUevb8xXY&s=lowOiTEVIVJXILSBrTF17UFCQFtliCG2bXVmfC0jKQI&e=>
Home address for all mail : 4 Nili Street, Apt 7, 9254803 Jerusalem ISRAEL
Phone: +972-2-628-2044  Cell phone: +972-52-421-8146
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