[Edling] CfP: MOBILLE: Mobile language Learning Experience

Shannon Sauro shannon.sauro at mau.se
Mon Apr 30 12:59:49 UTC 2018

International Conference

Lycée Français de New York
February 21-22, 2019

The Lycée Français de New York will be hosting a new international conference on MOBILE LANGUAGE LEARNING. The conference will gather scholars and practitioners from all over the world in a forum about the impact of state-of-the-art technology on learning and teaching languages.

MOBILLE welcomes all who are interested in harnessing the power of such technology to enhance language learning – preK-12 teachers, researchers, professors, graduate students, policy makers, school heads, technology officers.

Language learning occurs in various environments, in dedicated regular classes as well as in those integrating language and subject matter. Whatever the setting, this conference will focus on how technology – ubiquitous, pervasive and forever changing -, shapes the experiences of learners as well as teachers in primary school, secondary school and beyond

Proposal Deadline: July 31, 2018
The Keynote speaker will be Lourdes Ortega of Georgetown University.

For more information, go to: http://mobille.lfny.org/

Shannon Sauro, Ph.D.
Co-Editor, The Handbook of Technology and Second Language Teaching and Learning<http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/book/10.1002/9781118914069>
Associate Professor
Department of Culture, Languages & Media, Malmö University
Malmö universitet | Lärande och samhälle | 205 06 Malmö | Sweden
@Academia.edu<https://mah.academia.edu/ShannonSauro> | @Slideshare<http://www.slideshare.net/Shansauro> | @Twitter <https://twitter.com/shansauro> | @Web<http://ssauro.info>

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