[Edling] Book: Teacher Leadership for Social Change in Bilingual and Bicultural Education

Francis Hult francis.hult at englund.lu.se
Mon Aug 20 10:53:23 UTC 2018


Deborah K. Palmer


This is the first book to deeply examine teacher leadership within bilingual education, making it a must-read for researchers and practitioners alike. Palmer’s writing is anchored in ample rich data that she very thoughtfully presents, offering readers new understandings about bilingual teacher leadership as well as a model of teacher leader preparation for others to emulate.

Kate Menken, Queens College & Graduate Center, City University of New York, USA

I highly recommend Palmer's Teacher Leadership for Social Change in Bilingual and Bicultural Education for use in preparing bilingual teacher leaders. This book is an excellent resource and a source of inspiration for aspirant bilingual teacher leaders as they engage in their own transformational journey and in transforming the world.

Belinda Bustos Flores, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA

Kudos to Deborah Palmer for this timely and engaging account on the development of strong and professional identities among the bilingual teachers whose lives she touched. It captures the development of an enduring Central Texas language ecology in which she was not only deeply involved, but also pivotal in its development. This inspiring text is a must-read for all who seek to cultivate critically conscious teachers.

Angela Valenzuela, University of Texas at Austin, USA


Bilingual teachers must advocate for their students. Based on the experiences of Spanish-English bilingual teachers in Texas, this book aims to explore, define and understand bilingual teacher leadership. It examines what it means for bilingual teachers to become leaders, the kinds of support they need, and how they experience leadership.



Chapter 1: Why Bilingual Teacher Leadership?

Chapter 2: Literature Review: Defining Bilingual Teacher Leadership (with Kimberly Strong)

Chapter 3: Developing Teacher Agency and Identity in Bilingual/Bicultural Educational Contexts: Critical Pedagogies for Hope and Transformation

Chapter 4: The Proyecto Maestría Program and the Teachers

Chapter 5: Bilingual Teacher Leaders are Reflexive Practitioners

Chapter 6: Bilingual Teacher Leaders are Cultural/Linguistic Brokers

Chapter 7: Bilingual Teacher Leaders are Collaborators

Chapter 8: Conclusion: Bilingual Teacher Leaders are Advocates and Change Agents

Author information

Deborah K. Palmer is a Professor in the School of Education at the University of Colorado Boulder, USA. She conducts qualitative research using ethnography and discourse analysis in linguistically diverse settings, with a particular interest in bilingual education policy and politics, critical additive bilingual education, and translanguaging.

Bilingual Education & Bilingualism



Pbk ISBN 9781788921428 £29.95 / US$39.95 / €34.95

Hbk ISBN 9781788921435 £99.95 / US$139.95 / €119.95

Ebook ISBN 9781788921459 £20.00 / US$35.00 / €25.00

For more information and to order please go to: http://www.multilingual-matters.com/display.asp?isb=9781788921428.

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