[Edling] Fwd: POSTDOC opening in MO -- for Bil Ed, TESOL, immigrant education scholars

Deborah Palmer via Edling edling at lists.mail.umbc.edu
Thu Apr 22 16:39:46 UTC 2021

Begin forwarded message:

From: Lisa Dorner <dornerl at missouri.edu<mailto:dornerl at missouri.edu>>
Subject: POSTDOC opening in MO -- for Bil Ed, TESOL, immigrant education scholars
Date: April 22, 2021 at 6:50:36 AM MDT

Hello friends!

Could you please share this information below with your students, newsletters, networks, and/or social media networks (e.g., Bilingual Ed SIG newsletter?)? Do let me know if I should email others, or feel free to forward. Many thanks!

Lisa Dorner, PhD
University of Missouri-Columbia


The Department of Educator Preparation and Leadership in the College of Education at the University of Missouri-St. Louis invites applications for a postdoctoral fellow position. The Postdoctoral Fellow will gain experience working on a federally-funded, state-wide research project, Strengthening Equity and Effectiveness for Teachers of English Learners (SEE-TEL), with a group of scholars focused on developing research-based equitable education for emerging bilingual learners and their families. See see-tel.org/about<http://secure-web.cisco.com/1JLJ7a3vH_-_e7Fr6nojxZ9MO3IIQAxJCDUSUqAHJFa0DV0TPua78Cz6xqsuKM7OURPQ4AYX1p2CQKPn3ovHcOvUxtFOTq8-DOF1M9Dv04mLpqDwyPk83usSt4jEWjOvwOxQ3O4HIF0WdIZ5ouk9PTDrLnaRA1IEOPfvyOms2R3BC3tESKJ4MTcTECK1tvIAEOs2QRXnUpWqgPzNL_1XSk6DFIJmRIadoyfl68lsxt0hYFw2x_Dlh3Ymrbz-TaE22vc18yKQAJSaXig2Ta-oKXm90W6wJ2NiYmZ4ShTPewRfcNg38B1Ac-rnppR5wUw7IP04qJXsyk_MZx-3OXLBlyRF1Bm6Zb6lkTtft0yqgJ8tkxbyLtUU8Rh7HUBnFR_nHw94Wl0_N6Ol2BX7EbKHouXqajpq1oAh41z6HZWvUhYiC-z63BxASk4E_i9e1_bqs0zLFitDZNWUN6SG9heRXAQ/http%3A%2F%2Fsee-tel.org%2Fabout>, @see-tel on twitter.

The post-doc will have the opportunity to develop a line of research with the grant researchers related to SEE-TEL activities. The Postdoctoral Fellow will collaborate with the SEE-TEL team in all study phases including revising TESOL courses, and quantitative and qualitative research development, data collection, data analysis, and publication of results. Candidates should demonstrate the capability to initiate and complete research. Other activities include supporting and attending the professional development activities and working with the grant team and the partner districts.

This position will start August 15, 2021. This is a one-year position, without a renewal possibility.

Minimum Qualifications:

  *   An earned doctorate in TESOL, Bilingual or Translanguaging Education, and/or related field at the time of appointment.
  *   Experience working with emerging bilingual learners, immigrants, and/or refugee communities.

Preferred Qualifications:

  *   Be bilingual or multilingual;
  *   Research interest in emergent bilingual learners and/or their families;
  *   Skills in analyzing quantitative data and reporting the findings along with the qualitative data analysis;
  *   Experience of working with immigrant families to help them engage in their children’s  learning.

1. Select the  link to access our careers site.
2. Sign In to access your account or if you are not an existing user select the New User link to create one.
3. Review the job description and select the Apply button to begin your application.


If you are a current employee of our organization please use the following link instead:
lisa m. dorner, phd
associate professor (she/her/hers)
director of graduate studies for elpa<http://elpa.missouri.edu/>
E: dornerl at missouri.edu<mailto:dornerl at missouri.edu> W: lisamdorner.com<http://lisamdorner.com/>

This is precisely the time when artists go to work. There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear. We speak, we write, we do language. That is how civilizations heal. I know the world is bruised and bleeding, and though it is important not to ignore its pain, it is also critical to refuse to succumb to its malevolence. Like failure, chaos contains information that can lead to knowledge—even wisdom. Like art. - Toni Morrison, 2015, https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/no-place-self-pity-no-room-fear/

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