[Edling] Call for Practical Application Chapters | Critical Language Teacher Education
Ceren Kocaman via Edling
edling at lists.mail.umbc.edu
Thu May 19 18:30:23 UTC 2022
Dear colleagues,
Please find attached <https://forms.gle/J2QM979Ntt19Eg3j8> the Call for
Papers for an edited volume tentatively titled Critical Language Teacher
Education: Theory, Praxis, and Pedagogy, to be published in the
Bloomsbury’s newly established book series, Critical Approaches and
Innovations in Language Teacher Education
With this volume, we wish to contribute to the burgeoning efforts of
critical language teacher education (Hawkins & Norton, 2009; Hawkins, 2011)
by exploring and documenting how critical approaches can be and are being
incorporated by language teacher educators in diverse contexts.
We invite authors to submit proposals for short practical application
chapters (max. 2,000 words) showcasing innovative practices used in
developing a critical stance, mindset, and skillset of teachers in
connection to various aspects of ELT. If you agree to join us in this
exciting project, we would need the following by July 1, 2022 via this link
<https://forms.gle/J2QM979Ntt19Eg3j8>, where you can also find out about
the scope, timeline, and the table of contents of the project.
Proposals (max. 300 words) including
a brief description of critical teacher education practice (i.e., how
are critical approaches incorporated into the teacher education context?)
teacher educator's critical reflection, and
potential challenges
the names and the affiliations of the contributing authors.
Please feel free to share this call with those you think might be
interested. We look forward to hearing from you.
Ali Fuad Selvi (METU Northern Cyprus Campus)
Ceren Kocaman (University of Potsdam)
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