[Edling] [?SPAM] IJSL Special issue - A tribute to Nancy Hor nberger

chensu chensu at mail.ncyu.edu.tw
Sun Apr 16 05:12:11 UTC 2023

Dear Frances:

Thank you very much for your generosity to share this with us. And I am very appreciated that you have done so much for Dr. Nancy Hornberger, who has been well loved by all her students and advisees from Penn. Thank you, Frances, we share your honor as a graduate from GSE. 

-----Original message-----
From:Frances Kvietok Dueñas via Edling<edling at lists.mail.umbc.edu>
To:edling<edling at lists.mail.umbc.edu>
Cc:Frances Kvietok Dueñas<francesswat at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2023 22:15:39
Subject: [?SPAM] [Edling] IJSL Special issue - A tribute to Nancy Hornberger

Dear all,

I'm writing to share a multilingual special issue on Quechua language planning and policy I co-edited which recently came out in the International Journal of the Sociology of Language with the aim of celebrating the scholarship of Nancy Hornberger, who retired in 2020. This issue - titled 'Bringing the language forward: engagements with Quechua language planning and policy' - might be of interest to colleagues and students of Nancy who are also on this listserv.

Below is the link. The introduction is open-access. I'm happy to share articles for those without institutional access.


Kind regards,


Frances Kvietok Dueñas
PhD, Educational Linguistics
University of Pennsylvania

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