[Edling] CALL: LPReN Symposia at AILA 2024 World Congress

Sarah C.K. Moore via Edling edling at lists.mail.umbc.edu
Wed Jun 14 14:45:55 UTC 2023

Dear colleagues,


for the Language Policy Research Network (LPReN)-hosted symposia associated
with the 2024 AILA World Congress, to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Please note, the conference will be hybrid, but primarily place-based.

The Malaysian Association of Applied Linguistics (MAAL) will host the
*21st AILA World Congress 2024* *(AILA 2024) *11-16 August 2024 in
Kuala Lumpur,

In celebrating 60 years of AILA, the Kuala Lumpur programme promises an
exciting hybrid of events offering an excellent platform for networking
opportunities.  Participants can look forward to new outlooks and
innovations in research work on various topics in the field of applied
linguistics from scholars, academics, professionals in the industry and

To be held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, with the iconic PETRONAS
Twin Towers as the backdrop, participants will enjoy the bustling city set
against lush and serene surroundings that go beyond applied linguistics.

***Please submit LPReN Symposium proposals via the AILA World
Congress 2024 platform by 15 July 2023.***

In the AILA LPReN Symposium proposal, please indicate that your paper
corresponds to one of the three LPReN themes below.

1. *Language Policy and Linguistic Diversity: *Papers will explore how
research in language policy and planning advances linguistic diversity with
a focus on equity, social justice, and ensuring economic and educational
opportunities that promote multilingualism.

2. *Language Policy for Inclusion: *Papers will document how research in
language policy and planning promotes inclusivity, particularly for Global
South scholarship and foregrounding community-based collaboration.

3. *Language Policy for Sustainability*: Papers will advance knowledge
around how research in language policy and planning promotes long-term,
sustainable change.

*Important Dates:*
LPReN Symposia proposal submission deadline: *15 July** 2023*

Notification of Proposal and Abstract Acceptance: *31 August - 30 September

Detailed information is available on the AILA 2024 World Congress website
at: https://aila2024.com/

For further information, please contact: enquiry at aila2024.com

We hope for a robust representation of papers addressing the three LPReN
themes in celebration of the AILA 60-year anniversary.

With best wishes,


Sarah CK Moore, PhD
Applied Linguistics and Language Education
Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership
College of Education
University of Maryland College Park
2311 Benjamin Building
sckmoore at umd.edu
*pronouns: she/her/hers*

*Every community owes its existence and strength to the generations before
them, around the world, who contributed their hopes, dreams, and energy
into making the history that led to this moment.*

*Truth and acknowledgement are critical in building mutual respect and
connections across all barriers of heritage and difference.*

*So, we acknowledge the truth that is often buried: We are on the
ancestral lands of the Piscataway People, who are the ancestral
stewards of this sacred land. It is their historical responsibility to
advocate for the four-legged, the winged, those that crawl and those that
swim. They remind us that clean air and pristine waterways are essential to
all life.*

*This Land Acknowledgement is a vocal reminder for each of us as
two-leggeds to ensure our physical environment is in better condition than
what we inherited, for the health and prosperity of future generations.*
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