[Edling] Call for book reviewers, Language policy journal
Alsu Tuktamyshova via Edling
edling at lists.mail.umbc.edu
Tue Jan 21 09:47:57 UTC 2025
Dear colleagues,
As a Book Review co-editor for the journal, Language Policy, I would like
to draw your attention to the titles listed below, which are now available
for review.
Books to be reviewed Assigned editors
Y. Zhan (2023). Child agency in Family Language Policy: Growing up
multilingual and multiliterate. de Gruyter. Alsu
Savski, K. (2024). Language Policy in Action. Cambridge University Press.
E. M. Lisanza & L. Muaka (Eds.) (2024). The Palgrave Handbook of Language
Policies in Africa. Alsu
J. Jaspers (2024). Monolingual policies in multilingual schools: Tensions,
ambivilance, and thinking teachers. Oxford University Press. Florence
Ericka Albaugh, Linda Cardinal, Remi Leger (Eds.). (2024). States of
Language Policy: Theorizing Continuity and Change Florence
Limerick, Schissel, Lopez-Gopar, Huerta Cordova (eds.). (2024).
Multilingual Nations, Monolingual Schools: Confronting Colonial Language
Policies Across the Americas. Teachers College Press. Alsu
Kate Spowage (2024). Language as Statecraft: Global English' and the
Ideological Politics of Language in Rwanda Alsu
Helal, F. & Lo Bianco, J. (2025). Language politics in Tunisia: A study of
language ideological debates. Florence
If you would like to review a book, please, follow these guidelines when
you send your emails:
1. Email the editor assigned for each title (Florence or Alsu): Alsu
Tuktamyshova: *ATuktamyshova at gmail.com <ATuktamyshova at gmail.com>*;
Florence Bonacina-Pugh: *Bonacina-Pugh at ed.ac.uk <Bonacina-Pugh at ed.ac.uk>*
2. Include BR and book author(s) in the subject of the email, for
instance: "BR_Jaspers."
3. Write 2-3 sentences about why you are interested in reviewing the
chosen title.
4. Attach a brief cv or resume.
5. Indicate whether you prefer to receive an e-copy (most common now) or
request a hard copy (not always available).
6. The authors are typically given 3 months to do the review from the
moment they receive the book copy. Each review is about 1000 words long
7. Editorial guidelines can be found at
We would be grateful if you could forward this message to any interested
and qualified colleagues or students. Please also note our policy of only
one review per person per year. If you have written a review for us
recently, we would therefore appreciate it if you held off this time.
With best wishes,
*Alsu Tuktamyshova, PhD*
Director, German-Russian Institute of Advanced Technologies
Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N.Tupolev-KAI
Kazan Rotary Club member
New publication:
*Tuktamyshova, A.,* & Kirillova, K. (2022). Pride and profit: language,
identity and tourism in Russia. *International Multilingual Research
Journal*, 1-18.
*Туктамышова Алсу Махмутовна*
Директор, Германо-Российский институт новых технологий
Казанский национальный исследовательский технический университет имени
Член Ротари клуба Казань
Новая научная статья (Q1):
*Tuktamyshova, A.,* & Kirillova, K. (2022). Pride and profit: language,
identity and tourism in Russia. *International Multilingual Research
Journal*, 1-18.
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