1996 NFLRC Summer Institute

T.Matthew Ciolek tmciolek at coombs.anu.edu.au
Thu Dec 7 01:54:20 UTC 1995

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Date:   Wed, 6 Dec 1995 08:46:57 -1000
From: National Foreign Language Resource Center <nflrc at hawaii.edu>
To: ENDANGERED-LANGUAGES-L at coombs.anu.edu.au


Announcing ...... 

                   THE 1996 NFLRC SUMMER INSTITUTE: 
            New Technologies & Less Commonly Taught Languages

The National Foreign Language Resource Center at the University of Hawai'i
offers summer institutes of varying themes each year, providing
opportunities for educators to gain hands-on experience with and share
resources on relevant developments in foreign language education. In 1996,
the NFLRC Summer Institute will focus on New Technologies and Less
Commonly Taught Languages with the following week-long programs: 

Chinese Net Workshop (June 24-28)
Pedagogy of the Internet Workshop (July 1-5)
Symposium on New Technologies and LCTLS (July 8-12)
Spiderware Workshop (July 15-19)

Educators involved with LCTLs are welcome to apply for one or more Summer
Institute programs and can do so by requesting separate applications as
instructed below.  To defray expenses, stipends will be awarded on a
competitive basis to qualifying Summer Institute participants. 

Read on for Summer Institute program descriptions and application 

A WWW Course Development Workshop for Chinese Language Educators
June 24 - June 28, 1996

In this intensive workshop, Chinese language teachers will join forces to 
establish a World Wide Web database of pedagogically sound Chinese 
language resources and course units. Having consulted with the workshop 
instructor via e-mail during the months preceding the summer institute, 
participants will bring Chinese language course materials to the workshop 
in the form of text, graphics, audio, and video. Following a general 
overview of Chinese language Internet resources and applications, 
participants will gain extensive hands-on experience using various 
software tools to produce their course materials on the Web. Skills 
covered in the workshop include: retrieval & delivery of authentic 
materials, basic WWW authoring/programming, image scanning, and audio & 
video digitizing. 

Chinese instructors who have experience using the WWW are welcome to apply.  

FOR APPLICATION: send email message to: nflrc at hawaii.edu and include  
<< GET CHINESENET INFO >> in the subject header.


PEDAGOGY OF THE INTERNET                                        
July 1- July 5, 1996

The Internet provides language learners with important new opportunities
for natural communication and access to authentic materials.  Yet, like
other media, the Internet will only be an effective tool if its use is
based on sound pedagogical principles. This workshop will address the
relationship of the Internet to theories of education and second language
acquisition and discuss pedagogical aproaches to using the Internet in
language teaching. Participants will design Internet-based activities,
projects, and materials and discuss their integration into the language
teaching curriculum. 

Participants should have some familiarity with electronic mail and the 
World Wide Web as well as an active interest in implementing 
Internet-based learning activities in teaching and teacher training.

FOR APPLICATION: send email message to: nflrc at hawaii.edu and include  
<< GET PEDAGOGY INFO >> in the subject header.


SPIDERWARE WORKSHOP                                                             
A Web Courseware Development Workshop for Teachers of LCTLs
July 15 - July 19, 1996

This project-oriented workshop will use images, audio, and animations for 
courseware development and will explore the use of such materials on the 
World Wide Web for language education. Participants will come to the 
workshop  with a completed project design having consulted with the 
workshop instructor via e-mail during the months preceding the summer 
institute. At the workshop, participants will use various software tools 
to launch their multimedia development/Web page production projects, 
acquiring production skills which will enable them to complete their 
projects independently at their home institutions.

The workshop will be fast-paced and run at a higher-than-beginner 
technical level. Prerequisites, in addition to a solid project design, 
are familiarity at the user level with both multimedia materials (e.g., 
CD-ROM courseware) and the WWW.

FOR APPLICATION: send email message to: nflrc at hawaii.edu and include 
<< GET SPIDERWARE INFO >> in the subject header.        


July 8 - July 12, 1996

Advances in computer technology are providing important new tools for
teaching and learning languages.  These tools can play an especially
valuable role in supporting instruction in less commonly taught
languages (LCTLs).  This symposium seeks to facilitate the sharing of
resources, ideas, and information about all aspects of using new
technologies in the teaching and learning of LCTLs.

The symposium will consist of four parts:

1. Symposium presentations on any topic related to the theme of the
conference, including for example:
- The role of technology in language maintenance and revitalization
- Distance learning and LCTLs
- Using new technologies to teach LCTLs
- Research projects involving technology and LCTLs

2. Hands-on workshops on topics related to the theme of the conference, for
- Using the Internet with non-romanized languages
- Accessing authentic foreign language media and information
- Using new computer software for teaching and learning LCTLs
- Using new technologies for creating language-learning materials 

3. Demonstrations of new authoring programs, computer software, and other
technological tools and applications

4. Discussion groups organized on topics of common interest

FOR APPLICATION: send email message to: nflrc at hawaii.edu and include
<< GET SYMPOSIUM INFO >> in the subject header.




There will be a registration fee of $25 per person for each Summer 
Institute program. Please DO NOT SEND PAYMENT UNTIL NOTIFIED of 
acceptance in a particular program.


Reasonably priced on-campus room/board packages as well as on-line travel
arrangements through a local travel agency will be made available to
Summer Institute participants. Participants will receive more detailed
information about housing options following notification of acceptance. 


Under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, the National Foreign
Language Resource Center at the University of Hawai'i has since 1990
served as one of a small number of resource centers established to improve
and enrich foreign language education nationwide. The Center engages in
research and materials development projects, conducts summer institutes
for language professionals, and publishes research reports and teaching

    N A T I O N A L    University of Hawai'i
     F O R E I G N     East-West Road, Bldg. 1, Room 6A
    L A N G U A G E    Honolulu HI 96822
    R E S O U R C E    voice: (808) 956-9424, fax: (808) 956-5983
      C E N T E R      email: nflrc at hawaii.edu

VISIT US ON THE WEB!   http://www.lll.hawaii.edu/nflrc

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