ELL: spam and conviction and guidelines

white.cloud white.cloud at bigpond.com
Thu Apr 8 13:09:17 UTC 1999

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Date: Thu, 08 Apr 1999 21:09:17 +0800
From: "white.cloud" <white.cloud at bigpond.com>
Organization: White Cloud Consulting
To: endangered-languages-l at carmen.murdoch.edu.au
Subject: Re: ELL: spam and conviction and guidelines
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Dear ELL-subscribers,
As listowner I have read with interest, and some concern, the thread
about spam and conviction.
Every now and again, since the list began, there have been times when I
have wondered whether I should disconnect a subscriber, or warn them it
is a possibility, but I am inclined to err away from censorship.
Moreover, at such times I often ask around the people I know who
subscribe to the list and find that, in general people are not bothered
and simply delete messages they think they don't want to read.
I'd like to point out that no-one has EVER written and complained to me
or suggested I should unsubcribe anyone.  I assume, from my own
enquiries and from the postings to the list, that there are a variety of
opinions out there and my sense is that most of you would be more
bothered if I started censoring the list that you are by messages that
annoy you.
However I have been bothered by accusations against particular
individuals.  I am not a moderator and I do not read messages to the
list before they get there but I would like to ask all subscribers to
refrain from using the list to make accusations about individuals and to
accept this as a guideline for all future communications to the list.
If anyone wants to make helpful suggestions or whinge about this, please
write to me, not to the list!
Best wishes,

Dr Mari Rhydwen            White Cloud Consulting
                        Mobile: 0418 901 998
			Endangered-Languages-L Forum:
			endangered-languages-l at carmen.murdoch.edu.au
			Web pages
			Subscribe/unsubscribe and other commands:
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