ELL: About borrowing terms from another language

Jokin Garatea garatea at gaia.es
Wed Jul 7 07:31:12 UTC 1999

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Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 09:31:12 +0200
From: Jokin Garatea <garatea at gaia.es>
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To: endangered-languages-l at carmen.murdoch.edu.au
Subject: Re: ELL: About borrowing terms from another language
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In my opinion there is a missunderstanding of appreciation in what concern the
"support" of Microsoft to the Basque language.

Do you think that is Microsoft the one who is really supporting the Basque or
the contrary the it is Basque people through the administration who has paid
Microsoft to create the tool?

The minority languages are not a "market" by now because in most cases they
not carried out a marketable approach for their language.

> Also:
> In the Current issue of Language International Magazine:
> >http://www.language-international.com/
> >World News Briefs
> >
> >Microsoft Now Supports Basque
> >
> >The Microsoft Windows 98 operating system, Navigator, and Internet
> Explorer 4.0 >are now available in Basque. This follows an agreement
> between Microsoft and the >Basque Government which recently introduced the
> new products as part of its
> >policy to standardize the Basque language.
> Best,
> Jeff
> =================================================
> Jeff ALLEN - Technical Manager/Directeur Technique
> European Language Resources Association (ELRA)  &
> European Language resources - Distribution Agency (ELDA)
> (Agence Europe'enne de Distribution des Ressources Linguistiques)
> 55, rue Brillat-Savarin
> 75013   Paris   FRANCE
> Tel: (+33) - Fax: (+33)
> mailto:jeff at elda.fr
> http://www.icp.grenet.fr/ELRA/home.html
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