ELL: Re: UNESCO/ICSU and biocultural diversity

Luisa Maffi maffi at NWU.EDU
Mon Nov 29 20:19:18 UTC 1999

David, thank you so much for this important piece of news. Brent was my own
doctoral advisor at Berkeley, therefore I do know how much he cares about
these matters. I didn't know, though, that he participated in the Budapest
conference. We all definitely owe him a huge debt for having managed
inclusion of concerns about traditional knowledge and languages in the
final document. I am taking the liberty of forwarding this correspondence
to the electronic lists to which I sent my original message. Brent deserves
much broader recognition than just this exchange b/w you and me! Best,

Luisa Maffi

>Ms. Maffi,
>Thankyou for the updates. Regarding the publication to come out of the
>meeting in Budapest; I just wanted to point out that Dr. O. Brent Berlin
>(my doctoral advisor) was instrumental in pushing through the language you
>refer to. I spoke with him the day before he left Chiapas for Budapest,
>and the day after he returned. He told me that it was his goal in
>attending the meeting to bring indigenous science to the attention of
>"mainstream" science (not just anthropology or linguistics, but other
>disciplines as well), which he evidently achieved. I hasten to point out
>his contribution because I know that it was difficult for him to attend
>that meeting, and yet he felt strongly about his goal. Hence, he deserves
>David G. Casagrande
>Univ. of Georgia
>Dept. of Anthropology
>Baldwin Hall
>Athens, GA 30602-1619
>tel: 706-542-3980
>fax: 706-542-3998

Luisa Maffi (Dr.) - Northwestern University - Program in Cognitive
Studies of the Environment - Dept. of Psychology - 102 Swift Hall -
2029 Sheridan Road - Evanston, IL 60208-2710 - USA
Phone: +1.847.4676513 - Fax: +1.847.4917859 - Email: maffi at nwu.edu

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