ELL: Article on use of technology

Jeffrey Harlig harligj at INDIANA.EDU
Sat Jan 15 15:50:07 UTC 2000

I just got around to scanning in (with permission) an article discussing the use of
a computerized distributed learning and discussion system for Inuit students
throughout the Baffin Bay region. If you're interested in reading about it, you can
see it at http://home.bluemarble.net/~consult/baffin.htm.

1. It was OCR'ed and I proofed it only lightly;
2 There are four large pictures in it that take a long time to download. I suggest
you start reading the text and scroll back to see the illustrations later;
3. I'm basically skeptical about claims that modern technology can preserve
indigenous culture, but if it works, it works!

Jeff Harlig

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