Antw: ELL: CFP: Workshop on "Developing language resources for minority languages"

Franz Dotter franz.dotter at UNI-KLU.AC.AT
Mon Jan 17 17:40:56 UTC 2000

Dear colleagues!

I am well aware that your program includes only spoken languages (maybe due to a programmatic restriction of your whole body).
Sign Languages are also minority languages which suffer from most of the same problems as spoken minority languages. From talks with other colleagues I know that there is some discussion in the 'lesser used languages' field whether sign languages should be included.

Therefore I ask you whether a contribution from sign languages would be of interest for you.

Best Regards

Franz Dotter

University of Klagenfurt
Research Center for Sign Language and Communication of the Hearing Impaired
(of the Faculty for Cultural Sciences at the Department of Linguistics and Computational Linguistics)
Funded by: Bundessozialamt Kaernten, European Social Fund
Head: Franz Dotter
Collaborators: Elisabeth Bergmeister (deaf), Marlene Hilzensauer, Manuela Hobel (deaf, in period of grace), Klaudia Krammer, Ingeborg Okorn (deaf), Reinhold Orter (deaf), Andrea Skant.
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