ELL: Endangered Language Fund 1999 Grants

Marion Gunn mgunn at UCD.IE
Wed Jan 26 17:08:13 UTC 2000

Ar 10:37 -0500 2000-01-26, scríobh whalen at lenny.haskins.yale.edu:
>            Endangered Language Fund 1999 Grants
>      The Endangered Language Fund is pleased to announce its grant
>awards for 1999.  The Fund is a nonprofit organization dedicated to
>the scientific description of endangered languages, support for
>maintenance efforts, and dissemination of the results of those two
>effort to the scholarly community and the native communities.  These
>twelve grants received almost $20,000 in funding, made possible
>entirely by the support of our members.  Please visit our web site at

Is that $20,000 per project, or $20,000 in all?

Marion Gunn <mgunn at ucd.ie>

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