ELL: CFP: Bilingualism at the Ends of the Earth: Waikato 24-26 xi 2000

Nicholas Ostler nostler at CHIBCHA.DEMON.CO.UK
Tue Jul 11 10:03:28 UTC 2000

	The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand, and the Xunta de
Galicia (government of Galicia, Spain) are hosting an international
conference on societal bilingualism, focusing on heritage and indigenous
languages, to be held at the University of Wailkato on the 24th - 26th
November, 2000.
	The four themes are as follows.
1. Language Policy.
This theme encompasses the official status of indigenous languages,
legislation, linguistic Rights, normalisation, and the promotion of the use
of the minority languages through the public media.
2. Bilingual Education.
The fundamental role of of the education system for the many societies whose
goal is the maintenance of an indigeneous and/or heritage language. Topics
open for discussion include the provision of vernacular education at any
level and the training of teachers for immersion and bilingual models.
3. Language Development.
The systematic development of vocabulary to equip languages for new roles
and to keep pace with advances in knowledge raises methodological as well as
policy issues.Problems in the dissemination and reception of newly defined
terminology also arise.
4. Globalisation and minorty indigenous languages.
The tensions ibncreasing internationalisation and the need for lingue
franche on the one hand, and on the other, the role of minority and
indigenous languages in the self identification of peoples are experinced in
many societies.  The need to achieve balance in satisfying these pressures
has implications for all areas of language planning and maintenance.

The conference will invite keynote speakers in these areas as well as
provide the opportunity for participants to present their own research and
atudies within the context of parallel thematic sessions, workshops and
plenaries.  Contributions in the form of shorter (20 minutes plus 10 minutes
for discussion) or longer (30 minutes plus 15 minutes for discussion) or
longer (30 minutes plus 15 minutes for discussion) papers, poster
presentations, roundtable discussions are very welcome.

Accommodation will be available at the University's halls of residence and
at the University's marae.  The marae is the centre of Maori community life
and consists of an open space for format ceremonies of welcome and a number
of buildings.  The most important of these is the meeting house in which
people meet to talk and to entertain guests, and in which all sleep
communally.  For those who prefer it, accommodation can also be booked
privately in nearby motels.  It would be greatly appreciated by the
organisers if prospective participants could indicate their interest in
attending and contributing as soon as possible.
  If you would like accommodation in the University's halls of residence, or
alternatively you would like accommodation at the University's marae, or
would prefer accommodation in a motel, please supply list and contacts.
In addition, should you be interested in presenting a paper, please submit
the title, an abstract of up to 150 words by 31st MŠrch 2000, preferably in
electron form to:

biling2000 at waikato.ac.nz


Fax: (64)(7)8384932.

Postal address for the conference:

Bilingualism at the Ends of the Earth,
c/- Assoc. Prof. R.B.Harlow,
Department of General and Applied linguistics,
University of Waikato,
Private Bag 3015,
New Zealand.
                        Nicholas   Ostler
               Foundation for Endangered Languages
                   Registered Charity 1070616

              Batheaston Villa,  172 Bailbrook Lane
              Bath           BA1 7AA        England
              +44-1225-85-2865 fax +44-1225-85-9258
                   nostler at chibcha.demon.co.uk
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