ELL: U'wa Public Statement - 1 March 2000
Nicholas Ostler
Sat Mar 4 16:04:43 UTC 2000
Gibraltar, North of Santander, March 1st 2000
The traditional U'wa authorities, their legal organisms, ASOUWA and
CRIA, and the social movement of Arauca, Boyaca, and North of Santander,
assembled today in Gibraltar since the 20th of February this year,
declare to the public and the media the following:
1. That now more than ever we reaffirm our solid decision to defend our
culture, our human rights, our environment, and our sovereignty;
2. We acknowledge the International Red Cross for their humanitarian
work and their role as observers during their visit to our camps, where
they recorded our concerns; and for being on the watch for developments
of our blockade, in their capacity as an international organization;
3. We are pleased to receive the support and solidarity of the people of
the region of Santander and North of Santander, who have sent us
medicines and provisions, among other things;
4. We denounce the continuous harassment we suffer by some members of
the National Army, who wander around our camp site filming and taking
photographs, as well as asking ill intentioned questions of the people
who are picketing. We also denounce the treatment given yesterday by the
armed forces quartered in the municipality of Fortul to a group of
people on their way back to the camp, who were stopped, photographed,
and had their names taken down. In view of this incident, we hold the
National Army responsible for any occurrence that threatens the physical
and moral integrity of the protesters;
5. We reiterate that our movement is of a passive and respectful nature;
and so is our position to keep protesting continuously until the
government sends an official committee with decision making ability, to
Gibraltar or Cedeno, to guarantee a solution to the problem brought
forward by the U'wa people.
In representation of the traditional authorities
Bukoo Tegria, Yashooa Banara, Roberto Perez, President ASOUWA
In representation of the social organizations:
Juan E. Rocha, Antonio Cruces, Rodolfo Angarita.
Translated by Florencia Valle, Rainforest Action Network.
Gibraltar, Norte de Santander, marzo 1 de 2000
Las autoridades tradicionales Uwas, sus organizaciones legales, ASOUWA y
CRIA, el movimiento social de Arauca, Boyaca y Norte de Santander,
movilizados hoy en Gibraltar, desde el 20 de febrero de este ano,
manifestamos lo siguiente ante la opinion publica nacional e
internacional y medios de comunicacion radiales escritos y televisivos:
1. Que hoy mas que nunca reafirmamos nuestra firme decision por la
defensa de la cultura, los derechos humanos, el medio ambiente y la
soberania nacional.
2. Resaltamos la labor humanitaria y veedora de la Cruz Roja
Internacional, en visita realizada a nuestras concentraciones, quienes
han recogido las inquietudes y como Organo Internacional manifiesta
estar a la expectativa del transcurrir de nuestra movilizacion.
3. Recibimos con beneplacito la ayuda y apoyo solidario de los
municipios de Santander y Norte de Santander, manifestados en el envio
de medicamentos y viveres entre otros.
4. Denunciamos la actitud reiterada de hostigamiento por algunos
miembros del Ejercito Nacional, que rodean y transitan por el sito de
nuestra concentracion haciendo filmaciones, tomas fotograficas y
preguntas mal intencionadas a las personas que estamos movilizadas-
igualmente, el trato que la Fuerza Publica, acantonada en el municipio
de Fortul, dio el dia de ayer a varios companeros que regresaban de
nuestra concentracion, reteniendolos, elaborando una lista con sus
nombres y fotografiandolos. Ante estos hechos responsabilizamos al
Ejercito Nacional, por lo que pueda ocurrir a la integridad fisica y
moral de los movilizados.
5. Reafirmamos el caracter pasivo y respetuoso de nuestra movilizacion,
al igual que la posicion de mantener firme la protesta hasta que el
gobierno central, haga presencia en Gibraltar o Cedeno, con una comision
con poder decisorio que garantice la salida a la problematica planteada
por el pueblo U'WA.
Presidente de AsoUwa
Nicholas Ostler
Foundation for Endangered Languages
Registered Charity 1070616
Batheaston Villa, 172 Bailbrook Lane
Bath BA1 7AA England
+44-1225-85-2865 fax +44-1225-85-9258
nostler at chibcha.demon.co.uk
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