Antw: ELL: Call: Computer mediated language assessment & Evaluation in NLP
Franz Dotter
Franz.Dotter at UNI-KLU.AC.AT
Thu Mar 9 11:18:01 UTC 2000
Dear Jeff Allen,
In looking up my old notices I came over your announcement below. We are working in an European Community project (SMILE, improving written language competence of deaf people by using a bilingual model) which will contain a sort of automatic diagnostics to recommend the users to one of three gross levels of competence.
Is there any outcome of your seminar or do you have any other hints for me concerning this issue?
Best regards
Franz Dotter
University of Klagenfurt
Research Center for Sign Language and Communication of the Hearing Impaired
(of the Faculty for Cultural Sciences at the Department of Linguistics and Computational Linguistics)
Funded by: Bundessozialamt Kaernten, European Social Fund
Head: Franz Dotter
Collaborators: Elisabeth Bergmeister (deaf), Marlene Hilzensauer, Manuela Hobel (deaf, in period of grace), Klaudia Krammer, Ingeborg Okorn (deaf), Reinhold Orter (deaf), Andrea Skant.
Deaf server (in German):
>>> Jeff ALLEN <jeff at> 19.02.1999 20.28 Uhr >>>
Call for Participation
A Symposium jointly sponsored by:
International Association of Language Learning Technologies
Association for Computational Linguistics
Tuesday, June 22, 1999 (preceding IALL-99 and ACL-99)
University of Maryland, College Park, MD
The purpose of this meeting will be to strengthen collaboration
between researchers and users of language learning tools. We solicit
abstracts for a range of participation types, including, but not
limited to presentations, proposals, demonstrations, and papers on:
- language assessment
- software for first and second language acquisition
- general discussions of problems and solutions in evaluating
systems, software, and and people learning language.
- integrating technology and foreign language pedagogy
- user studies
- the relation between technology and language learning, or
linguistic theory and tool-building
- discussions of what is feasible and/or desirable in language
learning technology
- computer adaptive testing and speech recognition in language
assessment and placement
- software and tool demonstrations
- formulation of discussion questions for panels relating to any
of the above
Submitters are invited to submit at least 2 (and at most 8) pages,
summarizing the proposed contribution. Submit author(s), title,
surface mail, and email addresses on a separate page. On this page,
also indicate any equipment needs beyond an overhead projector and
a Windows computer with projector.
Electronic submissions using the ACL style files are encouraged and
will made be available (for accepted papers) on the web as well as at
the meeting. Following the workshop, participants will be invited to
submit fuller papers for a joint IALL-ACL publication.
The symposium will be organized around the topics outlined in the
call, according to submissions and the general interests of the
participants. We are interested soliciting participation by (inter
(i) researchers, educators, lab managers, software developers
who work directly in the intersection between
computational theory and language learning,
(ii) language educators and lab managers interested in what is
possible and in process in computational linguistics,
(iii) computational linguists interested in languages learning
software as an application,
(iv) people who assess language acquisition (in people) who
(would like to) have insight into good techniques that
have been applied for evaluating computational systems
and output,
(v) people who work on metrics for evaluating computational
systems who might have insight into scoring assessments
in language acquisition.
A listserv has been set up to encourage interaction and questions
before the symposium. To be added to the list, send mail to
"acl-iall-request at" with "subscribe" in the subject line.
Messages may be submitted to everyone on the list by sending mail to
"acl-iall at".
Charlotte Groff Aldridge (University of Maryland Language Center Director)
Susan Armstrong (University of Geneva, ISSCO)
Eduard Hovy (USC, Information Sciences Institute)
Dorry Kenyon (Center for Applied Linguistics)
Philip Resnik (University of Maryland Linguistics & Computer Studies)
Roberta Lavine (University of Maryland, Spanish and Portuguese)
Valerie Malabonga (Center for Applied Linguistics)
Flo Reeder (MITRE Corporation)
Carol Van Ess-Dykema (US Dept. of Defense)
Abstracts/proposals: March 30, 1999
Notification of acceptance: April 30, 1999
Final submissions: May 30, 1999
Final papers for publication: July 30, 1999
Mari Broman Olsen
molsen at, FAX: (301) 314-9658
University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
3141 A.V. Williams Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Jeff ALLEN - Directeur Technique
European Language Resources Association (ELRA) &
European Language Resources Distribution Agency (ELDA)
(Agence Européenne de Distribution des Ressources Linguistiques)
55, rue Brillat-Savarin
75013 Paris FRANCE
Tel: (+33) (0) - Fax: (+33) (0)
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