ELL: HELP - The Canticle of the Creatures

Jouko Lindstedt jouko.lindstedt at HELSINKI.FI
Tue Nov 21 18:26:00 UTC 2000

Marco Massignan wrote:

> The languages I'm looking for are:

> Afghani - Albanian  (Tosco - Ghego) - Armenian - Basque - Berberian -
> Birmani - Blackfoot - Breton - Caldeo - Cambodian - Cherokee - Cheyenne
> - Chinese (Mongolian - Manchu) - Cingalese - Cree - Creek - Copto -
> Cornish - Kurd - Estonian - Ethiopic - Irish Gaelic - Scottish Gaelico -
> Welsh - Georgian - Javanese  - Ancient Greek - Hindi  (various dialects
> - Urdu - Santali - Tamil - Teluga - Bengali ecc)  - Hopi - Iranian -
> Icelandeic - Lakota - Dakota - Nakota - Laotian - Latvian - Lituanian  -
> - Macedonian- Manx (Isle of Man) - Maori - Mapuche - Mohawk - Moldavian
> - Navajo - Nepalese - Parsi (Pakistan) - Russian (Ucrainian) - Saami -
> Sanskrit  - Serbian - Siriac - Somali - Tibetan - Uzbeki

> plus any other Native American or tribal language.

I hope this project will employ a linguist of some sort before going on.
The list is quite wild, sometimes mentioning dialects (Tosk and Geg),
sometimes listing totally distinct, even unrelated languages as
"dialects" (Urdu, Telugu...). And of course, calling any language a
"tribal" one is a bit against St. Francis's all-encompassing
spirituality, as far as I can understand it.

Jouko Lindstedt
Helsingin yliopisto, slavistiikan ja baltologian laitos
jouko.lindstedt at helsinki.fi http://www.helsinki.fi/~jslindst/

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