ELL: Foclóir nua EGT (EGT's new dictionary)
Raidió na Life 102
RnL102 at IOL.IE
Thu Oct 12 09:19:35 UTC 2000
Chuig liostaÌ Èagsla {skip to ===== for English translation)
As lÌne le tamall (maithigÌ dom n·r fhÈadas a leath de na tchtaÌ a th·inig
isteach a lÈamh!) ach ar ais in irinn anois, i ndiaidh aistear go Corn na
Breataine, ·it a rabhas chun an Ûc·id is mÛ i saol gnÛ EGT 2000 go dtÌ seo
a cheiliradh, mar at· seoladh an fhoclÛir Cornaise is mÛ agus is cuimsithÌ
d·r foilsÌodh riamh, mar at·, _Gerlyver Sawsnek-Kernowek_ (FoclÛir
BÈarla-Cornais) Nicholas Williams a thiomsaigh (eagarthÛir: Michael
Everson, eagarthÛir comhairleach Marion Gunn).
Comhfhoilsithe ag Everson Gunn Teoranta agus Agan Tavas. Ar dÌol anois ag
Agan Tavas, Gordon Villa, Sunnyvale Road, Portreath, Redruth TRE16 4NE,
Kernow, UK.
485 lch., 24,000 ceannfhocal, clra gramadaÌ, t·blaÌ Èagsla (leabhair an
BhÌobla, sc·la gaoithe an AimirÈil Beaufort, aoiseanna an domhain, srl.),
maraon le cora cainte. Sladmhargadh ar £28 punt in airgead na Breataine,
mÛide postas (£3 ar a ord as irinn). Faoi chomaoin ag Ollscoil na
hireann, Col·iste Ollscoile Bhaile ¡tha Cliath agus Institiid Ard-LÈinn
Bh.¡.C., as maoini a chur ar f·il, agus faoi chomaoin ar leith ag
lÈitheoirÌ dilse a raibh oiread muinÌne acu as an togra seo gur
cheannaÌodar cÛipeanna roimh rÈ.
Hap da dheugh, agan redyoryon! ¡dh mÛr oraibhse, ·r lÈitheoirÌ!
Offline for some time (apologies on being unable to reach on reading even
half the quantity of incoming msgs!) but back in Ireland now, after a trip
to Cornwall, to celebrate the biggest event in the business life of EGT in
the year 2000 so far, which being the launch of the biggest, most
comprehensive English-Cornish dictionary ever published, viz., _Gerlyver
Sawsnek-Kernowek_, compiler: Nicholas Williams (editor: Michael Everson,
advisory editor: Marion Gunn).
Co-published by Everson Gunn Teoranta and Agan Tavas. Available now, from
Agan Tavas, Gordon Villa, Sunnyvale Road, Portreath, Redruth TRE16 4NE,
Kernow, UK.
485 pages., 24,000 headwords, grammar notes, various tables (Books of the
Bible, BhÌobla, Admiral Beaufort's windscale, geological ages of the world,
etc.), as well as idioms. A bargain at £28 Sterling, plus postage (£3 if
ordering from Ireland). With thanks to Ollscoil na hireann, Col·iste
Ollscoile Bhaile ¡tha Cliath and Institiid Ard-LÈinn Bh.¡.C., for funding
provided, and special thanks to loyal readers with faith enough in this
project to have already purchased their copies in
advance of publication.
Hap da dheugh, agan redyoryon! With best wishes to you, our readers!
Marion Gunn <mgunn at ucd.ie>
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