ELL: Calls: Endangered Languages

Matti Miestamo matmies at LING.HELSINKI.FI
Tue Feb 20 01:27:05 UTC 2001


The Linguistic Association of Finland is organizing a symposium on


to be held at the University of Helsinki, August 29 - September 1, 2001.

The symposium will bring together linguists interested in questions relating to
endangered languages. We invite papers addressing general linguistic questions
as well as papers taking the viewpoint of one (or more) particular language(s).
Themes include documentation of endangered languages, standardization of
language corpora, and the possible effects of endangerment on the grammar of a
language. Other topics relating to language endangerment are also welcome.

Invited speakers:

David Harrison (University of Pennsylvania), Nomads on the internet:
Documentation, endangered languages and technologies

William McGregor (Aarhus Universitet), Structural changes in language
shift/obsolescence: a Kimberley (Australia) perspective

Marja-Liisa Olthuis (S·mi Assizes, Finland): The Inarisaami language as an
endangered language

Tapani Salminen (University of Helsinki), Linguists and language
endangerment in
north-western Siberia

Stephen A. Wurm (The Australian National University), Languages of the
world and
language endangerment


Lectures by invited speakers
Presentations by participants (20 min + 10 min for discussion)
Demonstrations by participants


The deadline for submission of abstracts (in English; max 500 words) is March
30, 2001. Please submit your abstract by e-mail to the following address
<el-organizers at ling.helsinki.fi>. The abstract should be included in the
body of
the message. Participants will be notified about acceptance by April 20, 2001.
The accepted abstracts will be published on the webpage of the symposium


The participants are also encouraged to give demonstrations of their projects
(research, revitalization, documentation etc). If you are interested in giving a
demonstration, please contact the organizers at
<el-organizers at ling.helsinki.fi>.


The deadline for registration for all participants is June 21, 2001.
Register by
e-mail to the address above.

Registration fees:

general: FIM 200
members of the association: FIM 100
undergraduate and MA students free

send by giro account no 800013-1424850 to The Linguistic Association of Finland
(SKY)/Symposium. For participants coming from abroad we recommend
payment in cash upon arrival. However, it is possible to pay via Eurogiro or
SWIFT to our account (number 800013-1424850) with Leonia Bank plc, Helsinki,
Finland. SWIFT-address: PSPBFIHH; Telex 121 698 pgiro sf


The organizers will provide a list of hotels later.

For further information, please contact <el-organizers at ling.helsinki.fi> or
visit our homepage <http://www.ling.helsinki.fi/sky/el.html>.

The organizing committee:

Marja-Liisa Helasvuo, Langnet Graduate School, P.O. Box 4, FIN-00014 University
of Helsinki, Finland, e-mail: <Marja-Liisa.Helasvuo at Helsinki.fi>

Seppo Kittil”, Dept of General Linguistics, H”meenkatu 2 A 7-8, FIN-20014
University of Turku, e-mail: <sepkit at utu.fi>

Leena Kolehmainen, Dept of German, P.O. Box 4, FIN-00014 University of
Finland, e-mail: <Leena.Kolehmainen at Helsinki.fi>

Matti Miestamo, Dept of General Linguistics, P.O. Box 4, FIN-00014
University of
Helsinki, Finland, e-mail: <matmies at ling.helsinki.fi>

Krista Ojutkangas, Dept of Finnish Language and General Linguistics, Fennicum,
FIN-200014 University of Turku, Finland, e-mail <Krista.Ojutkangas at utu.fi>

Esa Penttil”, Dept of English, University of Joensuu, P.O. Box 111, FIN-80101
Joensuu, e-mail <Esa.Penttila at Joensuu.fi>

Pirkko Suihkonen, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology,
of Linguistics, Inselstrasse 22, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany, e-mail
<suihkonen at eva.mpg.de>

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