ELL: Unicode Font for the Mac

Randy LaPolla ctrandy at CITYU.EDU.HK
Fri Oct 12 13:06:25 UTC 2001

Dear Doug,

> Have you seen the Mac Unicode fonts list at
> http://www.hclrss.demon.co.uk/unicode/fonts_mac.html ? Unfortunately
> it would appear that there is no MacOS 9.1 compatible Unicode font
> that includes IPA or Chinese.

Thanks for your reply.  I have seen that site, and you are right that there
is no MacOS 9.1 compatible Unicode font that includes IPA or Chinese.  If
Apple doesn't get its act together on this, I will be forced to switch to
using a Wintel box (yuch!).

All the best,

Randy J. LaPolla, PhD
Associate Professor of Linguistics
Dept. of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics
City University of Hong Kong
Tat Chee Ave., Kowloon

ctrandy at cityu.edu.hk or Randy.LaPolla at cityu.edu.hk
Tel:    (852) 2788-8075 (O)
FAX:  (852) 2788-8706

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