ELL: Re: Flemish vs. French in Brussels

Niels Wijnen niels at KOEKOEK.CJB.NET
Wed Apr 3 14:36:31 UTC 2002

>> However, neither ABN nor any construction of Flams is "endangered",
>> and most indigenous languages of the Americas are, so the point of all
>> this is lost on me.

> true, once again.

Dutch in Flanders (Flemish) used to be endangered. It is very interesting to
see the recovery of the (standarized) language of the region that used to be
one of the most powerfull one, both economical and cultural. It is impossible
to tell the whole history, and that's a pitty. Because the struggle for the
usage of your own language is not limited to Flanders. You find it in the whole
wide world. It goes on day after day. Not only in Flanders and Brussels where
English threatens. There will always be a nation that has to fight to use his
langauge. And then it is very interesting to look how other nations handled
such a situation.


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