ELL: response to WSJ editorial

Randy LaPolla ctrandy at CITYU.EDU.HK
Fri Apr 19 08:16:56 UTC 2002

Dear Doug,
It seems your reply is open to comment, so I will add my two cents'
(aside from one typo: "questions" > "question")
In the paragraph on education, it seems that you are agreeing that
bilingual education does actually just produce people who are fluent in
neither language. Are there studies that actually show this?
I also find the general point of the paragraph less than clear. Maybe
you could rework the paragraph to be a bit more straightforward.

All the best,

Randy J. LaPolla, PhD
Associate Professor of Linguistics
Dept. of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics
City University of Hong Kong
Tat Chee Ave., Kowloon

ctrandy at cityu.edu.hk or Randy.LaPolla at cityu.edu.hk
Tel:    (852) 2788-8075 (O)
FAX:  (852) 2788-8706

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