FEL Call for Proposals for 2004
Nicholas Ostler
Mon Dec 1 11:06:29 UTC 2003
At 4:13 pm -0800 29/11/03, B. K. Rana wrote:
>I need some financial assistance to publish a
>preliminery dictionary of Kusunda language. I am
>working on recent data from the field.
>Currently I am in USA. Please let me how I should
>proceed forward ?
>Thank you,
>B. K. Rana
>Cambridge, MA
Dear BK
Good luck. Here is the form, for your convenience.
Please read notes at the end before filling the form in; and do take
advantage of our facility to send in a DRAFT by the end of the year.
Applicant's details: Name
Date of birth:
Mother tongue:
Affiliation (institution):
Name of supervisor (if applicable):
Contact address for duration of research (if known):
Description/Definition of the language(s)
(If you require more space, please continue on a separate sheet)
Known or presumed affiliation:
Geographical location:
Adjacent languages (genetically and geographically):
Number of known first-language speakers:
Number of known second-language speakers:
Is the language being passed on to younger generations?
If so, by what means?
Is the language viewed by its speakers as a distinct language or
as a dialect?
Language(s) of communication with neighbouring communities:
Is this communication in other languages general or limited to
certain spheres of activity?
Has the language been documented before? (If so, please attach a
Have sound recordings of the language been made, transcribed or analyzed?
Is the language written?
Is the orthography in general use by the speech community?
Was the orthography devised specifically for this language?
Does the community have literacy in other languages?
Describe the current spheres and range of use of the
language. (media, religious/ceremonial use, spoken communication, &c.)
Nature of the threat
Please describe the nature of the current threat to the language,
and the process of attrition as far as is
known, citing statistical evidence wherever possible
Nature of the research
Describe the project you wish to undertake.
Will your research be conducted alone or in collaboration with others?
If with others, how many (excluding informants)?
Is your research part of a larger project?
Has research been done on the language previously? [If so, refer
to bibliography above]
In what way will your research supplement previous research?
Estimated duration of project:
(At the end of the term of the project you will be expected to
submit a report on your activities and to account
for the disbursement of funds)
In what way will your project help the speech community?
How much time will you need to spend:
- in the field?
- in other research, preparation and travel?
How will the results of your work be made public?
Potential for follow-up work
If the research is funded and carried out, what subsequent work
would then become feasible?
Please give a brief description of the need, and a list of the
major tasks envisioned, over a maximum of 3
(The Foundation cannot now undertake to fund such further work,
but will seek to acquire funds with this in
Applicant's qualifications
Describe your academic qualifications and/or previous experience
in linguistic or anthropological field-work.
Budget [including undertaking to prove use of funds at the end of
the agreed term of the project]
Please attach to this application an itemized list of the funds
you will require, giving documentary evidence of
costs wherever possible. Include such items as:
- travel within the country/language area (travel to the area may
also be budgeted, but allocation will be
considered separately);
- accommodation;
- materials (tape recording equipment etc.).
- payment of research assistants/informants.
If your project involves provision of materials for the speech
community, please itemize these separately,
including production costs. Do you have/Have you been granted
other sources of funding? If so, please
Other comments in support of your application:
Research on already extinct languages: notes for applicants
Funding may also be considered for archival research on languages
which are no longer spoken. Expenses
involved in the use of archives, and a study stipend for a fixed
period may be made available in some cases,
where the applicant can provide evidence that the archive material
has not yet been published or made
generally available.
Applicant's Undertaking
The Foundation for Endangered Languages provides research funds as
a charitable body, and therefore the
recipients of its grants must be able to prove that their work is
of public benefit, and they must make the
results of their work publicly available. Before publication,
permission should also be sought from informants
for the use of any materials or statements they supply. Therefore
applicants are obliged to sign the following
1. I undertake to provide full accounts of my disbursement of the
funds granted, and to return any unused
funds to the Foundation at the end of the period specified in this
application. I shall provide receipts and
other documentary evidence wherever possible.
2. I undertake to provide the Foundation with a list of
recommendations for further monitoring of the
language after the expiry of my grant.
3. I undertake to publish the results of my research and to make
them available to the Foundation for
evaluation. Before publication I will seek the permission of my
informants for the use of all statements or
materials they have supplied.
The Foundation for Endangered Languages is now accepting proposals
for projects of work that will support,
enable or assist the documentation, protection or promotion of one
or more endangered languages.
Please pass on this announcement to your friends and colleagues in
endangered language communities who
may not have access to Ogmios, the Internet or e-mail.
Form for Submissions There is a form that defines the content of
appropriate proposals, which is accessible at
the Foundation's website: http://www.ogmios.org It may also be
obtained from me at the address below.
All proposals must be submitted in this form, to ensure comparability.
The time-limit for proposals in the current round will be 18
January 2004. By that date, proposals and
supporting testimonials must reach me at the address below.
The FEL Committee will announce its decision before the 31st of March 2003.
Here are four points to note especially, the first two of them new
this year.
1. The form now contains a new question, enquiring on the
potential for further work, after completion of a
first grant. This material will serve both to support the current
application in the selection process, and also to
provide the Foundation with arguments in their quest for further
funds to supplement existing projects in the
2. Where possible, work undertaken within endangered language
communities themselves will be preferred in
the selection. FEL is prepared to comment on draft proposals from
communities or community linguists, and
suggest weaknesses and potential remedies (without prejudice)
before the selection. Such draft proposals -
clearly marked "DRAFT" - should reach FEL as soon as possible, and
no later than 31 December 2003.
3. The Foundation's funds remain extremely limited and it is not
anticipated that - in the first instance - any
award will be greater than US $1,000. Smaller proposals stand a
better chance of funding.
4. The Foundation for Endangered Languages (FEL) is a separate
from ELF, the Endangered Language Fund
(www.haskins.yale.edu). It is perfectly possible (and has indeed
occurred in the past) that the same project
can be partially funded by both FEL and ELF.
Nicholas Ostler
Foundation for Endangered Languages
UK Registered Charity 1070616
Batheaston Villa, 172 Bailbrook Lane
Bath BA1 7AA England
+44-1225-85-2865 fax +44-1225-85-9258
nostler at chibcha.demon.co.uk
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