FEL Resolution: Australian Census questions

Nicholas Ostler nostler at CHIBCHA.DEMON.CO.UK
Fri Oct 31 11:53:48 UTC 2003

Dear Listers and FEL Members

You may be interested to learn of the following resolution passed at
the Annual General meeting of Foundation for Endangered Languages, at
Broome, West Australia, on 23 September 2003.

To: David Navenburg, Director
Population Census Development
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Locked Bag 10
Belconnen ACT 2616

·	that the Australian bureau of statistics has improved the
language question in the census over the past two decades; and
·	that the collection of accurate language data is valuable in
monitoring the health of AustraliaÕs  language heritage;

This forum opposes the suggestion that the language question be
dropped from the Australian Bureau of Statistics Census questions,
especially with relation to AustraliaÕs indigenous languages.
Furthermore, this forum proposes that future questions relating to
language in the census must take into consideration the following
three categories, noting that they are already included in the
Canadian census:

a) a personÕs first language or languages
b) a personÕs home language or languages
c) a personÕs competence in other language or languages.

                        Nicholas  Ostler
              Foundation for Endangered Languages
		UK Registered Charity 1070616

              Batheaston Villa,  172 Bailbrook Lane
              Bath           BA1 7AA        England
              +44-1225-85-2865 fax +44-1225-85-9258
                   nostler at chibcha.demon.co.uk

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