CFP: XIIth FEL Conference: Friesland 25-27 Sept. 2008 - EL and Language Learning

Nicholas Ostler nostler at CHIBCHA.DEMON.CO.UK
Wed Jan 23 23:54:11 UTC 2008

The Foundation for Endangered Languages exists to support, enable and 
assist the documentation, protection and promotion of endangered 
languages. One of our means to achieve this has been to bring 
specialists together for conferences, which have been held every year 
since 1996, most recently in Barcelona, Spain (2004), Stellenbosch, 
South Africa (2005), Mysore, India (2006) and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2007).

 In 2008 the Foundation will organise its Twelfth Conference in 
association with the Mercator European Research Centre on 
Multilingualism and Language Learning and the Fryske Akademy. The 
conference will be organised and sponsored in the framework of the 
jubilee program KNAW 200, the bicentenary celebration of the foundation 
of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1808.

*Place and Time*

Conference Centre ’It Aljemint’
Fryske Akademy
Doelestrjitte 2-4
The Netherlands

*Dates: 25-27 September 2008*

The United Nations’ Year of the Languages will be celebrated in 2008. On 
the 26^th of September 2008 it is the annual European Language Day and 
these two facts will be taken into account during the conference.

*Theme of the conference:
Endangered Languages and Language Learning*

This theme is related to the profile of the Mercator European Research 
Centre, which gathers and mobilises expertise in the field of language 
learning at school, at home and through cultural participation in favour 
of linguistic diversity of Europe.

*Possible topics to be discussed:*

1) Language learning in general:

- Successful multilingual regions with endangered languages

- Language learning processes and language transmission in small communities

- Language transmission outside formal educational settings

  (pre-school facilities, cultural settings, distant learning facilities)

2) Language learning in an educational context:

- Promoting linguistic diversity through multilingual education and 
teacher training programs

- Language teaching in small indigenous or migrant communities

- Potential of teaching methods for language revitalisation

- Innovation in language learning and teaching strategies

- Case studies on language immersion in endangered language communities

- The use of electronic tools for language teaching and maintenance

Papers presented at the conference should make reference to actual 
language situations, and ideally should draw on personal experience. The 
aim of the conference is to pool experience, to discuss and to learn 
from it. Possible expected outcomes could be:

- Suggestions for further action and research for the revitalisation of 
endangered languages;

- Proposals for action programmes aimed at language learning and 
language transmission;

- Recommendations for a common European approach towards the 
strengthening of endangered languages to the European Union, the Council 
of Europe and UNESCO;

*Submission of Proposals and Full Papers
In order to present a paper at the conference, authors must submit in 
advance a proposal of not more than 500 words. They may be submitted in 
two ways: by electronic submission, or alternatively on paper. They 
should be written in English.

1) Electronic submission (by  March 1 2008): For this we use the 
EasyChair system. The submission URL is

Proposals for papers (max. 500 words, in English) can be submitted in 
PDF, Microsoft Word or plain text format. Your proposal should be 
uploaded as a separate file, viz as a "PAPER". Please follow the 
instructions on the site carefully.

The "ABSTRACT" box on the web form should be used for something 
different, viz a very short (3-4 English sentences) summary of your 
proposal that will help us in assigning papers to reviewers; they will 
then review the full proposal you have uploaded.

Authors of proposals accepted will receive instructions on format and 
submission of their final paper in the acceptance letter.


*N.B. This text replaces an earlier version stating that the proposal 
should go in the "ABSTRACT" box*.

2) *Paper abstracts*: In case you are not able to use the electronic 
submission system, one single printed copy (or an e-mail) should be sent 
(to arrive by 1 March 2008) at:

FEL XII Conference Administration
Foundation for Endangered Languages
172 Bailbrook Lane
Bath BA1 7AA     United Kingdom


Besides the text (500 words in English, max.), please include the 
following information:

NAME : Names of the author(s)
TITLE: Title of the paper

SHORT SUMMARY: 3-4 sentences
EMAIL: Email address of the first author, if any
ADDRESS: Postal address of the first author
TEL: Telephone number of the first author, if any
FAX: Fax number of the first author, if any

The name of the first author will be used in all correspondence.

Oral presentations will last twenty minutes each, with a further ten 
minutes for discussion. Plenary lectures (if invited) will last 
forty-five minutes each. Authors will be expected to submit a written 
paper with the full version of the lecture for publication in the 
proceedings well in advance of the conference.

Authors (and other attendees) from outside the European Union who need a 
visa will also be required to inform the organizers in advance of the 
following details:

Passport Number, Citizenship, Date and Place of Issue* *

*See general details at:*


*Important Dates
Abstract arrival deadlines: 1 March 2008
Committee's decision: 1 April 2008
In case of acceptance, the full paper should be sent by 30 June 2008
Conference:  25-27 September 2008

*Web sites*
>From 1 January 2008 further information about the FEL XII conference 
will be available on the following web sites: (Foundation for Endangered Languages) (Mercator Research Centre)

Further information about the conference site can be found at (Fryske Akademy)


*Contact persons: *

*Tjeerd de Graaf* 

          Mercator : European Research Centre on Multilingualism and
          Language Learning

          c/o Fryske Akademy, Doelestrjitte 8, P.O.Box 54

NL-8900 AB, Ljouwert / Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

t: +31 (0) 50-3092218
f: +31 (0) 58 213 1409
e: tdegraaf<at>
w: à Endangered Languages

 Nicholas Ostler (nostler<at>
Foundation for Endangered Languages

 Reinier Salverd
Fryske Akademy, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences

Nicholas Ostler 

Chairman, Foundation for Endangered Languages
Registered Charity: England and Wales 1070616
172 Bailbrook Lane, Bath, BA1 7AA, England
nostler at

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