FEL scholarship

Peter Austin pa2 at SOAS.AC.UK
Fri Dec 4 12:09:26 UTC 2009

*** apologies for cross-posting ***

The Foundation for Endangered Languages (FEL -- http://www.ogmios.org/) 
has established a fieldwork scholarship to sponsor one MA student in the 
Endangered Languages Academic Programme (ELAP) at SOAS. The scholarship, 
funded by income from FEL book sales through the SOAS Endangered 
Languages Project website (http://www.hrelp.org/publications/fel/index.html), 
will support one student to undertake fieldwork during 2010 in Guernsey on the 
endangered language Guernesiais.

SOAS is very grateful to FEL for this support. Subscribers to this list can give 
their own support to the initiative by purchasing FEL books from our website.

Prof Peter K. Austin
Marit Rausing Chair in Field Linguistics
Director, Endangered Languages Academic Program
Department of Linguistics, SOAS
Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square
London WC1H 0XG
United Kingdom

web: http://www.hrelp.org/aboutus/staff/index.php?cd=pa

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