CFP: Linked Data in Linguistics 2012 (LDL 2012) - submission deadline August 7, 2011

Sebastian Nordhoff sebastian_nordhoff at EVA.MPG.DE
Wed Jun 15 13:35:39 UTC 2011

  Apologies for cross-postings. Please send it to interested colleagues.  
  PDF-Version can be found here:
  Although the workshop is held in 2012 the submission deadline is on  
August 7, 2011
  As a side note: There will also be a small workshop on Open Linguistics  
on June 30th, at OKCon 2011 in Berlin:


  Linked Data in Linguistics
  Representing and connecting language data and language metadata

  Workshop organized as part of the Annual Conference of the German  
Linguistic Society (DGfS),
  to be held in Frankfurt, Germany, March 7-9, 2012
  Date: March 7-9, 2012
  Submission Deadline: August 7, 2011
  Venue: Frankfurt am Main, Germany

  ** Overview **
  The explosion of information technology has led to a substantial growth  
in quantity, diversity and complexity of linguistic data accessible over  
the Internet. These resources become even more useful when linked with  
each other. This workshop will present principles, use cases, and best  
practices for using the linked data paradigm[a] to represent, exploit,  
store, and connect different types of linguistic data collections.
  The intended audience includes empirically-working linguists and  
philologists interested in the representation, exchange and interlinking  
of linguistic data and metadata, computer scientists and computational  
linguists interested in the application of Semantic Web formalisms and  
technologies to language data, and developers of infrastructures for  
linguistic data and other researchers with an interest in both aspects.

  ** Linguistic data and metadata **
  The last years have seen the rapid development of linguistic data  
collections available over the Internet. The workshop intends to address  
questions and use cases for the creation, publication and application of  
data collections including (but not limited to):

  1. Language archives for (endangered) languages, that contain a wealth of  
textual material as well as audio and video (DOBES, PARADISEC, ELAR). How  
can this material be mobilized?
  2. Typological databases such as the World Atlas of Language Structures  
(WALS), or the Typological Database System (TDS) provide rich repositories  
of information about languages and their respective features. An  
interesting feature would be to combine the information from these  
resources, for example “Is it true that OV languages [WALS feature 83A]  
are characterized by pitch accent [TDS, StressTyp data base]” ? How can  
such queries be accomplished?
  3. Computational lexicography uses formalisms such as RDF, SKOS and OWL  
to encode dictionaries and to employ them in different applications. What  
are the practical benefits of this representation?
  4. Lexical-semantic resources such as WordNet, FrameNet and general  
knowledge bases like DBpedia and Yago represent the very foundation of  
computational semantics, and are also available in OWL and RDF. How does  
this representation improve the accessibility and the application of these  
  5. Linguistic corpora involve an increasing diversity of annotations such  
as syntax, semantics and coreference (e.g.,  
PennTreeBank/PropBank/PennDiscourseTreebank, OntoNotes, SALSA/TIGER). How  
can such multi-layered corpora be represented, evaluated and connected to  
electronic lexicons, lexical-semantic resources, or metadata repositories?
  6. Metadata repositories provide common vocabularies for the description  
of other types of linguistic data, thus enabling to compare and integrate  
them. This includes information about languages (e.g. in LL-MAP or  
Mulitree), but also information about linguistic data categories and  
phenomena (e.g. in GOLD and ISOcat). How do such common repositories  
improve the re-usability of linguistic resources in research and in  
Semantic Web applications?

  It is the challenge of our time to store, interlink and exploit this  
wealth of data. Our workshop leverages the Digital Humanities paradigm  
within linguistics, focusing on the use of information technology to  
improve data-driven linguistic research.
  This workshop invites researchers from the fields of language  
documentation, typology, computational linguistics, corpus linguistics, as  
well as researchers from other empirically-oriented disciplines of  
linguistics who share an interest in data and metadata modelling with  
Semantic Web technologies such as RDF or OWL.

  ** Topics of interests **
  We invite contributions related (but not limited) to one of the following  
  1. Use cases and project proposals for the creation, maintenance and  
publication of linguistic data collections that are linked with other  
  2. Modelling linguistic data and metadata with OWL and/or RDF
  3. Ontologies for linguistic data and metadata collections
  4. Applications of such data, other ontologies or linked data from any  
subdiscipline of linguistics (may include work in progress or project  
  5. Legal and social aspects of Linked Linguistic Data

  ** Goals **
  Beside the discussion of projects, experiences and open questions, the  
workshop hopes to support the on-going development of a community of  
researchers interested in linked linguistic data. This involves the  
following aspects:

  1. The primary goal is to establish interdisciplinary contact across the  
boundaries between different subdisciplines of applied linguistics,  
computational linguistics and neighbouring fields. We are under the  
impression that people coming from very different backgrounds encounter  
similar issues in their work and that there is potential for synergies  
  2. The second goal is to increase the amount of Linked Open Data on the  
web so that researchers can make use of the data already out there. In  
other words: we want to find the data giants on whose shoulders future  
generations would be able to stand, and convince them to make their data  
available as Linked Data.
  3. The third goal is to discuss strategies, reasons and problems to  
publish linguistic data under open licensed, with the perspective to  
increase the prestige of data as a form of scientific production which  
does not need to shy away from comparison with more established genres  
like articles or monographs.

  ** Submission **
  For submission details, please consult the workshop webpage:

  ** Important Dates **
  August 7, 2011: Deadline for extended abstracts (four pages plus  
  September 9, 2011: Notification of acceptance
  October 23, 2011: One-page abstract for DGfS conference proceedings
  December 1, 2011: Camera-ready papers for workshop proceedings (eight  
pages plus references)
  March 7-9, 2012: Workshop
  March 6-9, 2012: Conference

  ** Invited speakers **
  Martin Haspelmath (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)
  Nancy Ide (American National Corpus, Vassar College)

  ** Workshop organizers **
  Sebastian Nordhoff (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology,  
Leipzig, Germany)
  Christian Chiarcos (University of Potsdam, Germany)
  Sebastian Hellmann (University of Leipzig, Germany)

  ** Programme committee**

  The workshop is endorsed and sponsored by the Max Planck Institute for  
Evolutionary Anthropology ( and the LOD2 project:  
Creating Knowledge out of Interlinked Data (

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