Sociolinguistics of Language Endangerment: Workshop 30-31 July

David Bradley D.Bradley at LATROBE.EDU.AU
Thu Mar 3 22:40:10 UTC 2011

Dear Colleagues,
Apologies for multiple postings!

There will be a 2-day workshop on the sociolinguistics of language endangerment, the second in a series, as part of the Summer Institute of the Linguistic Society of America at Boulder, Colorado on 30-31 July 2011. It is Workshop 13 within that institute. Details of the entire institute are on the website <>. I am also giving a four-week course on the same topic in the institute.

The attachment gives brief details of the workshop; if you have other questions, please feel welcome to ask.

A call for abstracts of short papers for presentation on 31 July is now open; this may be for oral or poster presentation. Those whose abstracts are accepted will be advised in May.

Selected papers from the first in the workshop series, held at the School of Oriental and African Studies in 2009, will shortly appear as a special issue (vol. 52 no.2)  in the journal Anthropological Linguistics.


Prof David Bradley
La Trobe University VIC 3086
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