I hope this is ethical

Brookes, Tim brookes at CHAMPLAIN.EDU
Sat Sep 15 02:18:13 UTC 2012

I'm Tim Brookes, the guy who carves the endangered alphabets. I've begun a collaboration with a remarkable young man named Maung Nyeu from the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh, who is trying to shore up the use of indigenous languages and scripts among CHT schoolchildren by (a) getting into Harvard, (b) getting an engineering degree so he could build a school for his people, and then (c) going back to Harvard to get a graduate degree in education so he knows how to craft a curriculum in indigenous languages such as Mro, Marma, Chakma, and so on. I'm going to be carving some texts for him, but I've also brought in a calligrapher to produce elegant but culturally appropriate forms of the scripts, and then a typographer to create typefaces. If all goes according to plan, Maung will be introducing the first children's schoolbooks in these languages within 18-24 months.
We have a fundraiser going, which you can find easily enough on the Kickstarter website, but I imagine that many of you are more interested in knowing about or even studying what Maung is doing, in which case the best source of information may be the Harvard Graduate School of Education, which profiled him in their magazine recently.
Tim Brookes

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