[Endangered-languages-l] New calendar for sociolinguistics events

Dave Sayers dave.sayers at cantab.net
Wed Dec 3 15:25:21 UTC 2014

Hello Eventful People,

The Sociolinguistic Events Calendar is really taking off! It's now busy with events 
through to next summer, and it's also being reciprocally plugged on a number of 
conference websites. With this sort of prominence we're well on the way to helping my 
promotion prospects, I mean being a solid fixture for sociolinguists!

And I've managed to rope in a co-administrator, Jonathan Kasstan (University of Kent 
& Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3). I managed this by cleverly concealing how 
much work was involved, haha! But many hands make light work; we're keen to recruit 
more admins, so get in touch now if you'd like to share in this glamour.

Speaking of glamour, we've also gained a new online home inside the British 
Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL) website. The actual calendar itself hasn't 
moved anywhere (it's the same details I circulated before for subscribing to it), 
it's just been wrapped up with a fancy new packaging on the BAAL site: 
http://www.baal.org.uk/slxevents.html. As you can see, having this site also provides 
space for including some brief guidance about how to use it, and some much-needed 
publicity for me and Jonathan. If you too would like to bathe in this glory, get in 
touch for admin training! No experience necessary, only saintly patience and endless 
obedience to my overbearing administrative nitpicking.

Chronologically yours,

Dr. Dave Sayers
Senior Lecturer, Dept Humanities, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Honorary Research Fellow, Arts & Humanities, Swansea University, UK
dave.sayers at cantab.net | http://swansea.academia.edu/DaveSayers

On 14/11/2014 12:06, Dave Sayers wrote:
> Hello one and all,
> The LinguistList conference page
> (http://linguistlist.org/callconf/browse-current.cfm?type=Conf) is a great resource,
> but can feel a bit busy if you're only looking for sociolinguistics events; plus it's
> not laid out as a calendar, just by month. It also doesn't include all the other
> types of events like summer schools, public lectures and so on that people can attend.
> I thought I'd set up a Google calendar for all different sorts of sociolinguistics
> conferences, and in the broadest sense of the discipline. So, without further ado, I
> present... the Sociolinguistics Event Calendar! The HTML version is here:
> http://goo.gl/pfzHVd. If you use Google Calendar already (and if not why not??), then
> you can easily integrate it with your own by clicking the little "+ Google Calendar"
> icon in the bottom right. As long as you're already logged into Google (that includes
> Gmail), then it should just fire up your Google Calendar account and integrate this
> events calendar alongside your own. Voilà! Instant connection to the global hubbub of
> sociolinguistic happenings! Then you can click on it in the left-hand menu to show or
> hide it.
> And if you use Outlook calendar, you can sync any Google calendar with that
> (https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gappssync).
> If you're using another online calendar that operates with the iCalendar format (e.g.
> Apple Calendars - booo!), then you can integrate this calendar alongside your own by
> using its iCalendar URL:
> https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/3n7v0bteok63efhlh7huvsud74%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics.
> (Make sure you copy that without any spaces.) Here's the guide for adding it to an
> Apple calendar: http://support.apple.com/kb/PH11523.
> I think this should help conference organisers to see more straightforwardly if their
> event overlaps with other stuff, and could also help with arranging unrelated
> organisational things, personal commitments, holidays, weddings...
> I've only added a few events so far; I'll update the calendar as I see events come
> up. But I really want to open this up to lots of other people to edit. Please get in
> touch if you'd like access to add stuff -- it doesn't have to be events you're
> running. Hopefully this can become a really broad repository for all sorts of
> different events in the broad church of sociolinguistics.
> Chronologically yours,
> Dave
> --
> Dr. Dave Sayers
> Senior Lecturer, Dept Humanities, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
> Honorary Research Fellow, Arts & Humanities, Swansea University, UK
> dave.sayers at cantab.net | http://swansea.academia.edu/DaveSayers

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