Response Scale Features

Frank Van Overwalle Frank.VanOverwalle at
Thu Aug 17 16:39:19 UTC 2000

The developers of Eprime are considering to include response scale features
in release Beta 5.0 (only in code, the graphical interface will come later).
I made them the following suggestions.  Perhaps, some other suggestions
would also be welcomed by them.

Concerning the response scale features, I suggested a very general object
that has parameters that generate
- different types of scales (anchors only that can easily be filled in
during editing, radio buttons with anchors to fill in, line segments with
anchors to fill in)
- set the number of scale points,
- set the interval between scale points,
- set how the scale point is inputted (arrow keys, mouse, numpad, ...)
- set how the answer is indicated on the screen (by a different color of the
anchor that is chosen, filled/checked radio buttons)
- set how confirmation is given (space bar, enter key, no confirmation

Frank Van Overwalle
Department of Psychology
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2
B-1050 Brussels
tel : + 32 2 629 25 18
Email : Frank.VanOverwalle at
web :

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