Setting mouse response options

Ortner Catherine catherine at
Mon Nov 11 16:50:49 UTC 2002

Hi All,
I would very much appreciate some help with the following problem:
I have an experiment where participants have to click on an appropriate
part of the screen to make their response.  There are two boxes (called
'Left' and 'Right')
on the screen where they can respond (one correct, the other incorrect).
I have managed to get this working - left and right are text boxes in a
slide display and are set as attributes in the List.  My problem is how to
make these boxes the only allowable responses,  i.e. if they click
anywhere else on the screen, nothing should happen.
I have tried putting [Left][Right] in the Allowable response box in the
Properties page of the display.  however, when I do this, I get an error:

Run-time Error (Line 178)
10003: Internal Error accessing string argument

when I try to run the experiment.

I have also tried using an inline script (where LeftSD is the name of my
stimulus display):

	LeftSD.InputMasks.Add Mouse.CreateInputMask(c.GetAttrib("Left") &_
				c.GetAttrib("Right"), "",
CLng(LeftSD.Duration), CLng("1"), _
CLogical("Yes"), "", "", "")

but get the same error when I run the experiment.  I don't know why this
doesn't work, as according to the manual, an attribute reference can count
as an allowable response.

Any suggestions as to how to deal with this would be much appreciated!
Thanks very much,
Catherine Ortner

Doctoral Candidate
Department of Psychology
100 St George Street
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 3G3

Tel: 416 978 5464

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